Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
Well you sound like a lovely family and it’s a very humanitarian kind thing To do I love i love my work,they have a meal cooked by us and anyone can come whatever their circumstances and sit and have a chat while we do a waitress service they can go home with a food parcel
Thankyou, little things matter in life and helping each other in any little way can go a million miles. Your job sounds lovely. Keep at it, you make a difference I'm sure ❤️
Mar 7, 2024
Just watched her passive aggressive clap back on TL (thanks lovelies xx) What an unnecessary post to make. Why pick one comment out of hundreds and kick off??? I don’t get it. The way she repeated herself showed even she didn’t know what she was ranting about. She goes on and on about Ugg this, Harrod’s that. Money shouts Aimless, wealth whispers.

If Old Bag or whatever her name is wants justification for pages like this, just totter off and watch that post. That’s why she’s disliked. Whipping her disciples up into a frenzy like a crazed cult leader ready to set about anyone with an opinion or a question to challenge her.

We don’t bash Harper. We worry about her because this is not normal mum behaviour. I’m sorry if I’m offending anyone, but it’s not. She’s a disgrace.
Well said 👏


Mar 9, 2024
It’s the fact that she is perfectly comfortable with complete strangers telling her they miss her wee face !!! 😳
I mean what the actual hell!
That could be absolutely anyone !
See this post alone confirms what we have all been saying in here !
Her response is basically saying well it’s the trolls fault she isn’t on !
No it’s your fault!!
Also according to Aimee it was harpers choice not to be on tt
Mar 8, 2024
Do we know why Gregory tried to sell the house in 2012 but then didn't and then signed it over to only Aimee in 2015 when her and Andy got married in 2013 and were living there?
Who knows! Maybe he met “me dads wife” in the run up to 2012 and moved into her house so tried selling his house. Also, house prices started to steady, they stopped rising (as shown on chart from land registry site) so maybe he thought Aimee can move in until prices start rising again, giving him more money for a sale.
Then, once Harper was born he may have just decided to give her the house for security for his granddaughter
Mar 9, 2024
I have a few friends who were sucked into MLM so it is easier for me to see her trying to sell stuff lol the greens she drank one morning then couple days later she is selling them. Aimee doesn’t give a s about gut health or general health so why the do would she start greens it’s all about the cash 🤣
How can you say such a thing! She's obviously still drinking the green stuff, she mentioned it just after Tattle reminded her that she hadn't mentioned it. 🤣


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
That's awful of the teacher to say that 😕
In your opinion, do u see Autism traits in Harper at all? Genuine question.
I lost my 💩 & told the school I was reporting them to the education board.

Yes 100% i see traits in H & girls mask it so well as I did growing up. Catpiss would feel ashamed and would never admit H being neuro divergent.
She would rather let her struggle without the extra help she needed which is going to be a big issue once at high school.
That’s how shallow and disgusting catpiss is and always has been & she’d rather portray she has a perfect happy family when we know she doesn’t have that all.
Her life is far from perfect & she is letting her daughter down massively all because she is up her own ass thinking she is something special.


Mar 9, 2024
Morning lovely’s here and T happy Monday new week. What a weekend with our old girl 😂 let’s not stupid accounts bring us down we are all here for same reason and the majority of us could have this as a good little community like T. We know it’s open and unfortunately we will have accounts come in because as we know Wendy and piss flaps can’t help themselves. Let’s just stick together keep the banter bantering and not let anyone cause any bickering between us genuine ones. Have a good day everybody 💖 it maybe a grey Monday but could be worse we could be aimee every cloud 🙋🏼‍♀️
Mar 9, 2024
Okaaaaay… so if someone decides to tell H that her mum smells of cat piss - thst is Aimee’s fault?

If someone tells H that her mum is known for always chasing 🍆 - that’s Aimee’s fault?

If someone calls H Harper Twist - that’s Aimee’s fault?

If someone says to H that Aimee is a thief (in relation to her uncle) that’s Aimee’s fault?

Can you not see where I’m going with this? I’ve not actually said what my opinion of Aimee is. All I’m focussing on is a 9 year old child
If Aimee didn't tell people that her cats urinate all over the place maybe they wouldn't call her that, so yes. She's basically neglecting their basic needs. Cats are clean, they don't just wee everywhere unless they are ill, nervous or their trays are dirty.

It's hardly a lie that Aimee is on the prowl most of the time so again, yes that's down to her.

Noone has said Aimee is a thief, however her uncle who gave her a large amount of cash at her wedding (Aimee stated this back in the day) was. Perhaps you could take this up with ITV, let them know that talking about a crook could affect H, let's forget about all the families affected by it
Aimee could always make a donation to charity, or at the very least donate some of the freebies she's received to a local woman's shelter.

I understand what you're saying about Harper Twist, but again, Aimee makes the comment over and over that Harper can have more - although when she did ask for more red chicken she shot the poor child a dirty look. She should feed her child properly. Some days she only has 1 piece of fruit. How is that a balanced diet?

Do you now see where everyone else is coming from. Aimee causes this herself. Her actions or lack of actions.


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
Jesus wept ! I see the dramatics run in the family 🤣
To answer the question about the dodgy house sale timings , sorry I have no idea , but someone has very kindly tagged some who may know x
I’m not 100% sure but rumour was something linked with dodgy dealings and trying to hide what dodgy money bought
Mar 9, 2024
right do people who don’t wash all deserve to be called Catpiss? You are all just proving my point for me. I’d press ignore if I was you before you make yourself look sillier
You're quite right, our friend is called Whiff because he stinks and he knows it. Maybe we should just call her Brie - her hair must smell of cheese where she doesn't wash it for days on end or maybe, just maybe she should stop sharing stuff about her cats urinating everywhere! Her house probably does smell of cat piss with 5 of them doing it.
Mar 9, 2024
How about stop with the name calling and references to Harper?how
How about Aimee stops posting about her child, or takes down the images although those that want them on the dark Web will have them now. How about she feeds the poor child proper healthy meals, takes her down the beach which Aimee claims to love, actually does something other than drag her shopping, buys her age appropriate crafts, puts her in clothes that fit, just does the basics most mothers do. How about that


Mar 7, 2024
I haven’t always been the best Mum. I’ve always had bad mental health issues and was referred for an adhd assessment that I’m still waiting on (I didnt request it, someone from the CMHT asked for my permission). I’ve been a single parent for almost 16 years with no financial help from “dad”. Anyway, I started self medicating, I was on autopilot with the kids, they were always well turned out etc but I was never fully mentally there. One day, I woke up, gave my head a wobble and asked for help. I’m a completely different person now. I still have mental health issues and physical health problems (unrelated) but I know where to go if things start getting on top of me again. I can see myself in Aimee and want to grab her by the shoulders and give her a good shake. (I’d actually like to slap her to knock it in to her). Sorry to ramble


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
Good morning everyone on CC & TL 🥰🥰🥰
Here’s to marigold Monday with a strong independent woman quote whilst staring out the kitchen window realising what a s life Catpiss actually has 🤣🤣

Loving our community on here & yesterday showed we all support each other and share the same views and morals.
You see Catpiss YOU, MUMMY,(with your fake accounts) & DADDYS MONEY cannot and will not stop us speaking out about how neglectful you are, the pathological liar you are & the fact you cannot stamp your feet in a tantrum to stop us, makes me smile 😁😁😁
Karma is real & it does catch up with you and your pathetic sad catpiss smelly life.

Also what woe is me stated about D2 going down the legal route must be true and something is in place because you wouldn’t stop at a chance to see him when H has her swimming lessons as within days he was the love of your life and you still pathetically pine for him like a little girl 🤣🤣🤣
That’s why mummy has to take her isn’t it & let’s get one thing straight, NOBODY here or TL are jealous of your life, its the other way round babe 🥰
Anyway @Sevda_the_seagull keep up the good work because your close to finding out a lot more dodgy dealings with the clampetts, sorry I mean Crowder- Barton’s 🤭

Have a lovely week everyone 🥰🥰🥰


Mar 8, 2024
I lost my 💩 & told the school I was reporting them to the education board.

Yes 100% i see traits in H & girls mask it so well as I did growing up. Catpiss would feel ashamed and would never admit H being neuro divergent.
She would rather let her struggle without the extra help she needed which is going to be a big issue once at high school.
That’s how shallow and disgusting catpiss is and always has been & she’d rather portray she has a perfect happy family when we know she doesn’t have that all.
Her life is far from perfect & she is letting her daughter down massively all because she is up her own ass thinking she is something special.


Mar 8, 2024
None of the Naidoo's, Bartons, Crowder-Bartons, Pimlotts, Barton-Pimlotts or any other derivative of their names ever seem to take accountability for their actions. The chain of causation was never broken, it always started with one of the aforementioned.
It’s all so tangled. What a family.
They must be so hated in the surrounding areas. Personally if I were a member of that clan I would keep my head down, even if I was whiter than white, because I’d consider how my actions might appear.
It’s all so trashy and sleazy.