And the s about going on a train triggers her brain , ok aimless your brain connects trains and sickness. So it does you fing fool. But you were able to stop your brain triggering the sickness within, just by telling it that the polar express was slow. Sorry brainless aimless,but that doesn’t make sense does it. You need to bring out some very helpful self help manual where you can teach control to your huns. Because you have cracked your own dilemma .Anytime you need to go in a train ,tell your brain it’s ok .its just the polar express .itll be fiiiinnnne won’t it.What a lonnnng drawn out video to repeatedly tell everyone the roads are bad when everyone knows other than the dumb do. And the whole train thing b please you had the ss!! Saying you have to be in control (we know you narc t) and then probs too late to get a flight.. so if it wasn't too late.. which it isn't BTW.. you wouldn't be in control of the plane either you clown