Because all of her followers are probs skanky Or dumb dumbs too! They obviously live by the same rules ‘fed is best’ and all that bull s! So she has these munters creaming their knickers over her ready made mash and dry brown packed lunches and and her alki Mum telling her how amazingly gawwwwjus she is. Shamey is already delusional and these people are making her feel like she is amazing and good enough , when everyone else can see she is bare minimum!!!!! And her filthy hygeine is below average. Looking at that packed lunch now I can see by lunch time those crackers and sausage rolls will have been bashed and broken with all the strawberries juices leaked all over the box , onto the processed packets of chicken and biscuitsHer fing nails make me heave! I just can’t deal with her bs! Honestly I cannot fathom for the life of me how people actually find her interesting and like watching her content and what’s with the whispering “first sip of the day” like are you ok?! Bloody weirdo! And that lunch for H just when you think she couldn’t get worse she does! Wtf does your multiple shops in the week consist of?! I’ve got two of my own and they have a good lunch in their lunchboxes fruits veggies sandwiches and a packet of crisps and then they have a big bottle of water for the day and a small flavoured water bottle for lunch! They have a good solid 3 meals a day and that’s the bare minimum that poor girl has a crap lunch and a crap dinner and I doubt she even has breakfast before she goes! She’s going to ruin that poor girl and no one is holding her accountable
No care or attention coz she has the mindset ‘it’s fine’ no Shamey it’s not fine!!! It’s piss poor love!!