She really is pathetic. The period video that page put up shows how pathetic and attention seeking she is.She’s been sick or had some form of episode with every trip/break/occasion/holiday so I forget which one was when but her need to be the centre of attention and the fact she hates parenting means she ruins everything for that kid. Imagine when the kid gets older and looks back at any memories, all she’ll remember is her mum pissed up, faking illnesses and talking into her phone. Pathetic.
She is so narcissistic that she has to make any occasion or trip about her and her pretend anxiety. It’s so embarrassing the things she has done and said.. there’s a video on that page Sayzit and she’s acting like she’s too anxious to go in to Tesco. That went on for ages her anxiety for Tesco. And her anxiety for the school run. Her Huns forget all this just stopped cus she had to go get a fitness check to drive! How they don’t cop on to that blows my mind. Their stupidity astounds me