it looks like they are letting people comment in batches maybe to weed out who will cause trouble. I replied to this as a quote as I now can’t comment on TLIt's working for me again now x
They are doing something. I think this morning was a test of change to see how it went with letting people on the TT threads and TBH as a project manager I would have done the same. I think they created 8 cafe as temp redirect to see how things went and have now reverted back to TL hence the message. Two minutes ago I was able to react to messages on TT threads however I can now only quote a comment but can’t directly comment as I do not have the privileges and have the same if you haven’t commented before March 20whogivesafuck
TL or 8cafe owner/mods you get more revenue if your website gets more hits and that boosts the amount you can charge for ads so time to invest admin and weed out the bad ones who come on and try and police threads and cause trouble.
Something is going on in the background as people who could comment his morning now can’t and people who couldn’t comment this morning can now