Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
Please don’t come for me 🙈🤣

As much as Vav is nasty & vile with what she has done in the past, (unforgivable imo) I do think she is a good parent as in looks after her kids, does activities with them & keeps a clean house.
Her holidays are for the kids and making memories and maybe she is just wanting to show catpiss up as how s a parent she actually is & spend time with H whilst in the pool with Max.
I did call it a few days ago that maybe she is going to get Lilly to get juicy gossip on catpiss and she has something planned.
It’s definitely not a real friendship & as most of you have said, Vac always gets catpiss in unfiltered photos 🤣🤣🤣
Coming for you a smidge… staff isn’t a good parent. She had her child on her social media in the bath. That alone is bad parenting. She uses her sons autism for attention, she is beyond in love with herself to the point she would rather have likes over her child having privacy. Aren’t we lils can vocalise not wanting to be on her social media, max cant so she parades him when she needs the content. Her house being clean does not equal good parenting. She only looks clean and like a good parent cus Aimee is a smelly cow and awful at being a parent. Hence why Steph needs Aimee so she doesn’t look so bad next to her. Being the best in a bad a bunch isn’t something to be proud of.


Feb 4, 2024
excuse the double post at 4am (no i’m not obsessed aims i’m feeding my child, how’s the hangover?)
just saw wendy’s video. The way she said “i’ve got lovely aimee and harper *long pause* and charlie and ralph”. that can’t be by accident. As someone who is also the least favourite child, i don’t understand the psychology behind it but wish i did to an extent. Having a favourite child is one thing but basically telling the world that is a whole other load of what the duck?!


Mar 23, 2024
excuse the double post at 4am (no i’m not obsessed aims i’m feeding my child, how’s the hangover?)
just saw wendy’s video. The way she said “i’ve got lovely aimee and harper *long pause* and charlie and ralph”. that can’t be by accident. As someone who is also the least favourite child, i don’t understand the psychology behind it but wish i did to an extent. Having a favourite child is one thing but basically telling the world that is a whole other load of what the duck?!
Because she's seeing £ signs for when fat flaps inherits her dads money


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
I can't imagine how that must of been for you seeing him go through that 😞♥️ Glad your son came through it ♥️
And when people say catpiss is dangerous that's exactly what they mean, the effects her lies can have on people 😡

Thank you so much & he’s now in a loving relationship with an amazing girl who he told everything too & she understood. He even wrote a diary of his feelings which I still have because I want him to know how far he has come & that I’ve got my little boy back ❤️❤️❤️
This is why attention seeking woman like catpiss are dangerous like you say. They mentally abuse their victim & then the physical abuse appears.
Aimee will always be an unlovable, lonely b & hated
Mar 27, 2024
It’s taken me ages to read all the posts and catch up. Out of all of Aimee’s videos I think Fridays chippy Tea has enraged me the most. She is revolting. You have all said what I think so nothing to add except her face is looking more red and bloated by the day. She is looking scruffy and unwashed, more so than usual. I always think her minge probably smells of Beef Monster Munch and soggy Digestives 🤢

Roll on the Spanish sshow 🍿🍿🍿


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
Can I just say, I love the little community we have built here, I know things can be a little crazy sometimes, but I’m so glad I’ve met you all 🥰🥰🥰

Anyway, enough of that soppy moment as you were trolls 🫡
I feel the same & have connected with a lot of you & most of us are genuine here & support each other 🥰🥰🥰
I would love to meet most of us bridge dwellers & wish we could organise a protest against catpiss with banners etc 🤭🤣
Mar 29, 2024
Here and there
Who’s all geared up for the massive anxiety attack the day before she jets off with Harper twist? Can almost predict it… up with the ss all night..travelling on her own is a massive issue with her own child, yet she can swan off for weekends away with big beefy no problem! Didn’t beefy flaps s her off for being untidy when they shared a hotel room? Bring on the carnage 😂


Mar 7, 2024
Yeah Wendy didn't even mention anything about her being poorly, like my Charlie's not been well hopefully she can still make it! Can you imagine if it was the other cnut of a daughter, she would be "my poor baby Aimee, bless her she is so poorly"
....oh and A did say she thinks she has a cold in her cocktail video! Can't have Charlie outdoing her 🙄
Wendy is as much a t as Aimee! :mad:


Mar 7, 2024
Getting fing pissed off cans of between slugging Kylie.....stalking exs HI AIMEE🖐🖐🖐🖐 YES we see u you fing loon 😂🤣🤣 don't read here tho do ya ...nah....lonely t do all else to do
...with ya 616k following??? Replying to trolls on SOSHULL MEEEEDYA LOVE THAT FOR YA 😘😘😘😗 YOU SAD f
Breathe puss.....breathe 😂 😂 😂


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
Steph doesn’t do anything for her own good she doesn’t take max anywhere and lily just get papped off with materialistic thing she may not be as bad but she surely as hell ain’t a good parent
I don’t watch Steph but have read a bit about her and didn’t know this 🙈
Both my boys have ASD & youngest adhd & when they were little we always did stuff with them. Weekends, holidays in uk and abroad, after school activities. The first thing I made sure my boys had was swimming lessons as that is something a child should learn first.
My boys remember us teaching them how to ride a bike without stabilisers on & what park it was. The park we went to had a slight slope so we just helped them along and then they did it rolling off the slope (yes they fell off as forgot the brakes but not badly hurt)
H can’t even ride a bike can she without stabilisers & her age she will be laughed at for that at school. Surely her cycling proficiency lessons and test will start at school soon.

Catpiss I await the buying of a new bigger bike for H with a helmet before the holiday that will just get shoved to rot like your fanny 🤭🤣

I always worry if my comments offend anyone and I do apologise if they do. This is all directed at Catpiss & nobody else and I know all children are different.
I know most have probably never had iPads as a babysitter from being a baby like H has which is why she is glued to it. Jabba the slut you are the definition of a BAD PARENT & you cba with your daughter.
Southport has a fairground (granted it’s crap and overpriced) but take her out for a day on the baby rides as that’s all you will manage. We have a lovely beach if you go towards Formby/Crosby, parks to walk around too.
These are the times I miss with my boys being little & H is going to resent you for this. Let’s hope she moves to daddy’s like you did