Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 9, 2024
Thanks everyone for the love. ❤️
It still amazes me how people think we are horrible human beings and trolls.
Couldn't be further from the truth. This is evidence of that. Just because we have opinions and concerns that other can't see....yet, does not mean we are not nice people.

I know the answer about my partner really.. I think.... I just think it's 2 years of me hoping things would get better. Also I feel it's my last chance. I stayed 20 years too long in an abusive marriage. I didn't think I would even date again. You know us woman torment ourselves..looking at pics and videos and listening to our playlist. Thinking of every place we have been to. 😢💔

I was saying to some of the girls at work, if I'm this upset..what does it mean... does it mean I'm mourning what could have been, or I still love him... 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

I've kept him at arms length for 2 months. (We live quite far apart) Actually one said at work..could u see yourself living with him...and I was way. She said there's your answer.

He keeps messaging every few days.
The other day he are you?
I replied... not sure how to answer that.
His reply...well I'm fed up...been 2 months not seeing each other...this can't go on.
I was fuming. (Still not taking ownership..playing the victim etc over why we are at this point)
I just sent back...I guess there's my can't go on!
He then came back with...I didn't mean it like that etc etc. I said something childish like....leave me alone and get back on the fing dating apps!
I then went looking at msges from 2 years ago. He was making the same promises and asking for another chance.

Not saying there hasn't been nice times. He's very affectionate. Unfortunately we don't match on a maturity level or intellectual level (certainly not emotional intelligence) and i feel that's important even if it makes me sound like a b.

I told him to go to the Dr's and get some advice and a referral to look into possible Autism + personality disorders. He eventually did....that's another story.. He forgets I know how things work regarding this stuff and can smell bs a mile off.
He doesn't like the fact I figure stuff out about him.

I don't know if to call it, give him more time to see if he is demonstrating that he's getting help/advice or what tbh 🤷‍♀️

I'm nearly 48..and don't know what is the right thing to do...pathetic really! You know when you know too much and are aware that I'm probably trauma bonded and prob been took advantage of and my empathy and care taken as a weakness.
He has said some insensitive things to me about my past which has really hurt. I guess I've given lots of chances..over case he is on the spectrum. I've prob been a mug tbh!

My daughter can't stand him. Says he is weird and can't understand why I haven't "binned it off" as they say.
It's not easy when feelings are involved is it...

Oh dear...I've wrote loads 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️sorry guys. Writing is like therapy for me. Also acting the goat and using humour as a coping mechanism.

Back to A!

Thanks for all your messages. Means alot given you don't know me from Adam!
Hope I haven't triggered or upset anyone with some of the content. 🙏❤️🥰 xx
FOUND it . The original post ...LOTS OF LOVE...YOU GOT THIS!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ STRAIGHTEN THAT fIN CROWN, GET THAT LIPPY ON, GET THOSE HEELS ON AND fING STRUT GIRL ..failing that, pull ya bobble hat on, get ya hoodie on, pull on ya wellies and shuffle onwards ....don't matter , so long as you keep moving , do the haters 🖕 do what makes YOU happy and SMILE 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁


Mar 8, 2024
I've just probably given far too much away on my post just now! 🤦‍♀️ I know I'm guilty of over sharing...🫣
I think a few of us are similar type of people.
Thanks again ❤️🥰 xxx
Tell him you want a few months separation and in that time he can go to the doctor and get assessed. If he does that and has made efforts tell him you will consider seeing him again. Ask him to not contact you until he’s made changes. Then if he has done nothing then get rid. Lots of others out there and if your daughter isn’t keen then that’s another reason to bin him 👍🏼😘


Mar 9, 2024
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Proper made me laugh....imagining the cats and those little handkerchief stick things 🤣🤣
That's it!!! I couldn't think, the little handkerchiefs over the stick ends , thems the ones, disappearing off down Birkdake, fing off, marching into the night, smelling fresh air instead of their own piss 😂🤣🤣🤣 loving life for the first time ever fluffy little fers 🐾🐾🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️❤️


Mar 8, 2024
Jesus Christ, I’ve just seen the pics of H on insta. The lass looks like she has 2 black eyes. She’s definitely in dire need of some vitamin D and iron in her. She looks ill!
Well she eats take aways every day (not much by the size of her and looking at the size of Aimeh) the occasional cucumber thrown in or some microwave veg. Mainly beige food and no sunshine and fresh air. I’m sure the school will notice, also she’s known to social services so someone will be checking 👍🏼
Apr 1, 2024
Yeah and judging by the comments on her managements page surely to do THEY would be avin a word in her shell like👂👂👂👂👂👂👂

You would think but from what i can gather that management don't care about anything. They are just after the ability to say they have people on their books with large followings on paper who are popular in name. Of course one of those at least have mostly bought followers and her popularity is actually minimal in reality and perhapse it's the same for the others. I'm assuming it is the same but the others i don't read their threads.
Mar 8, 2024
When you're getting paid to flog a ridiculously priced hair remover 16DAYS AGO!!!! "You can't wax" but NOW... lol!!! To be a good liar you need to remember what you said when you were getting paid.. or laid or both you owd slapper!!!

As for doing "maintenance" so you can get your cozzy on... 1: VOM!!! 🤢 Where's the TW for anyone close to eating? And 2: I hope you bought some electric hedge shears cz them wax strips won't touch the fing sides of your fat baggy fanny you s!!!
Happy holidays hun!!!! 😎😘
Every time she goes on holiday she does a hair removal ad