Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

And then….

Mar 8, 2024
Thank you so much babe for having my back ❤️
Not read TL for a few days as I’m more worried about being strong holding my family together at this difficult time.
I may of worded my reply wrong but I have told the truth and the relevant agencies have been very interested especially with the link with duncle David and her not paying taxes on her earnings. Her earnings that would also not allow her to be in receipt of certain benefits such as child benefit as it goes on your income.

Right now I’m really struggling emotionally and with catpiss you have to be 10 steps ahead and make sure an investigation is going on before revealing it as we know she likes to slime her way out of everything.

I am genuine and honest unlike catpiss and I do apologise if I worded my comment poorly.

Every night I struggle to sleep and i pray my phone doesn’t ring. I’m trying to be strong for those who need me right now 😢😢

@RainbowBright it means more than you realise having my back babe ❤️
Bless your heart . I am sending lots of love and strength to you at what you describe as a challenging and difficult time
I am on T and answered any questions people were asking, I do think a few over there aren’t on here
I believe you are genuine and telling the truth ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 27, 2024
I agree I think sending food to her house feeds into her narrative that we are trolls and obsessive etc - her silly doberhuns would believe anything she says.

I know we want to protect the kitties but it just gives her content and feed right into her hands so best not to in my opinion.

I wish people would stop leaving nasty comments on her page because it gives her clicks and views when the doberhuns go into overdrive to defend her. It gives her a reason to do a clapback so more clicks, views and comments for her to wallow in the arselicking idiots who idolise her. If people were clever they would realise that if she didn’t have any negative to cry about then most people would unfollow. She would just be left with the toothless dimwits who are actually there for the brain dead content. Everyone can get to Aimee just by posting and venting on here. She can’t control what’s said and that drives her mad. I can guarantee if there was no drama she would lose half of her followers and the other half would be the huns and the ones Aimee bought. Hit her where it hurts NO CLICKS = NO ATTENTION & NO £££


Mar 9, 2024
I feel for H she is going to look back at these videos one day and wonder wtf!

Her mum can go to London by herself and abroad to events and can join in and take photos of the food and enjoying herself but the moment it comes to parenting she brings out the “anxiety” card!

I just don’t get it.

If she had been honest and come out on a video saying she was finding parenting tough and needs support then I would have sympathy for her.

We all know parenting can be bloody hard work and isn’t all like the textbooks of smiley parents. But the reason I can’t find that with Aimee Arsehole is because it isn’t consistent - she says it because of new surroundings but she happy to jet off places by herself and is fine walking around London shopping or flying to a foreign country by herself with people she doesn’t know and go and do things - all by herself.
Yet stands there on a video last night saying if Vav wasn’t there she wouldn’t leave the resort with H?!

I just think at this point she doesn’t know how to adult never mind parenting and if A, W and G can watch these videos and think she is well rounded and doing well - then poor H doesn’t stand a chance.

She needs people to go and help her - show her how to safeguard her daughter, help her to know how to budget her money, how to make nutritious meals, how to clean her home and how to ask for help when needs it. And to own up to her mistakes and bloody take accountability!

She is on a spiral and it showing in these videos - she is so unhappy it is showing and I honestly think she is counting down the days until she is home.
Mar 7, 2024
Under the Troll bridge
Hey TL this is @itsmejo’s reply to me and I feel given the fact Jo has a lot going on in her personal life I have to stand up for her.

She never once says here any of the government agencies gave her any information. Yes she does say they were very interested to hear about the monetary gift but she could probably have gaged that from the questions asked regarding that.

Yes she states Aimee hasn’t paid her taxes in 4 years but she never says they told her this information.

With her knowing Aimee, her family, her ex in laws and just the locals in general there are other ways she might know this info and I doubt we are going to find out how.

Jo has always said she will deliver receipts and I believe she will. She never made this post as an announcement as such, she was replying to me.

With other things going on that she states first maybe she just hasn’t worded her reply very well.

I’m sorry if this annoys you but it really does seem like Jo is genuine and has such a lot going on that I’d hate for her to get upset over this.

Time reveals all. And that fs (Aimee) time is up.
Hey TL this is @itsmejo’s reply to me and I feel given the fact Jo has a lot going on in her personal life I have to stand up for her.

She never once says here any of the government agencies gave her any information. Yes she does say they were very interested to hear about the monetary gift but she could probably have gaged that from the questions asked regarding that.

Yes she states Aimee hasn’t paid her taxes in 4 years but she never says they told her this information.

With her knowing Aimee, her family, her ex in laws and just the locals in general there are other ways she might know this info and I doubt we are going to find out how.

Jo has always said she will deliver receipts and I believe she will. She never made this post as an announcement as such, she was replying to me.

With other things going on that she states first maybe she just hasn’t worded her reply very well.

I’m sorry if this annoys you but it really does seem like Jo is genuine and has such a lot going on that I’d hate for her to get upset over this.

Time reveals all. And that fs (Aimee) time is up.

@RainbowBright this is a lovely post and just shows that a nice little community we are building here, all strangers but have got each others backs when needed ❤️

And then….

Mar 8, 2024
I wish people would stop leaving nasty comments on her page because it gives her clicks and views when the doberhuns go into overdrive to defend her. It gives her a reason to do a clapback so more clicks, views and comments for her to wallow in the arselicking idiots who idolise her. If people were clever they would realise that if she didn’t have any negative to cry about then most people would unfollow. She would just be left with the toothless dimwits who are actually there for the brain dead content. Everyone can get to Aimee just by posting and venting on here. She can’t control what’s said and that drives her mad. I can guarantee if there was no drama she would lose half of her followers and the other half would be the huns and the ones Aimee bought. Hit her where it hurts NO CLICKS = NO ATTENTION & NO £££
This is why I believe she leaves a lot of them herself x


Mar 9, 2024
Thank you so much babe for having my back ❤️
Not read TL for a few days as I’m more worried about being strong holding my family together at this difficult time.
I may of worded my reply wrong but I have told the truth and the relevant agencies have been very interested especially with the link with duncle David and her not paying taxes on her earnings. Her earnings that would also not allow her to be in receipt of certain benefits such as child benefit as it goes on your income.

Right now I’m really struggling emotionally and with catpiss you have to be 10 steps ahead and make sure an investigation is going on before revealing it as we know she likes to slime her way out of everything.

I am genuine and honest unlike catpiss and I do apologise if I worded my comment poorly.

Every night I struggle to sleep and i pray my phone doesn’t ring. I’m trying to be strong for those who need me right now 😢😢

@RainbowBright it means more than you realise having my back babe ❤️

We’ve all got your back. Ignore what’s said elsewhere. You’ve nothing to apologise for either, I hope you are ok ❤️


Mar 11, 2024
No they never gave me information as they would be in breach of GDPR but were very interested in the in depth information I gave them.
I had another cry last night and it’s my children who are finding this so hard right now and I just need to be strong for them.
I’ve not even told my best friend because they are also going the loss of a family member who passed suddenly.

I’ve so much love for people I don’t even know and having you all around for support really means a lot me ❤️❤️❤️
I’m so sorry your going through this @itsmejo, your a strong woman, and its strong women who always remain strong for the ones we love 🥰
Don’t let what’s on TL get to you, they are just frustrated and like yourself, want the downfall of Aimee to happen yesterday. Let them vent, when it all comes about, we will rejoice together.
Take care of yourself and your family ❤️


Mar 8, 2024
I’m so sorry your going through this @itsmejo, your a strong woman, and its strong women who always remain strong for the ones we love 🥰
Don’t let what’s on TL get to you, they are just frustrated and like yourself, want the downfall of Aimee to happen yesterday. Let them vent, when it all comes about, we will rejoice together.
Take care of yourself and your family ❤️
Brilliantly put!


Mar 9, 2024
It was me that mentioned the food as I did that to check if my partner was alive or just a lazy f.

You’re all right, bad idea.

But if she brings this up we will all know it was me that mentioned it here and we will know for sure she reads here. Hi Aimee 👋 so pleased you are treating your daughter, your only child to such a memorable holiday.

I think we all just try think of things to expose her lies as the lies she spins are just so blatant and frustrating so I get the thought process.


Mar 8, 2024
Before they went Steph said she’ll happily take Harper to the water parks / pools etc so luckily even if that does happen at least Harper won’t miss out
I would never offer to take a child with me that wasn’t a strong little swimmer to a water park. If the child goes the mother needs to go and be the responsible adult. If max needs his mum then lily will be left in charge of a minor when she in fact is a minor herself.
Aimeh I hope you are reading here. Get your s together and go with her.
Lazy b
Last edited:


Mar 8, 2024
I think we all just try think of things to expose her lies as the lies she spins are just so blatant and frustrating so I get the thought process.
Yeah exactly.

I think the reason she hasn’t posted yet today is she has read here, she knows we have contacted the school, SS and now government agencies.

Her downfall is coming, slowly but surely.

I wish we could get @woeisme25 back. I really feel the insults towards her were absolutely uncalled for and we all enjoyed her posts.

I wonder if she is ok? If she has still never heard from the police? I wish she would come on and say as I’m sure Aimee will bring up the ‘investigation’ when she gets back.

Woe come back!!


Mar 19, 2024
Hi ladies sorry not been on for abit, my little dude not been 100%. Just caught up! I don't think I have the words and you have all said it all perfectly. This is going to be the start! If she doesn't take H to that waterpark then I reckon this will be the one that makes the bigger cut in the exposing of this b for what she is. If she isnt mentally well enough to take her child to that waterpark ( intrusive thoughts depression/anxiety is all part of her mental illness) and according to our Aims she has those... she shouldn't be taking H out of the country for H safety! This is where horrendous accidents happen! People like her, only cares about herself, putting her daughter at risk even in another country because she's that self absorbed, not aware enough of the dangers around her! The world isnt what it once was. She honestly gives me the utter rage when it comes to her lack of parenting to her daughter. Shes 2 far gone this one! There's defo no changing her! I really hope she takes her, if she doesn't it's defo going to surely wake the rest of them up to what we know and see! Dickhead she is!
Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
Another morning wasted in bed. I dont know if she judt leaves harper to fester and wont move for her but my child when she was younger was up at 5 some morning st her age on holidays so we were up and out early to explore and do things. So she doesn't know if that's the hotels mascot so she hasn't taken her child to any shows or anything basically. I love how she thinks her saying any food is pretty good is an endorsement when she lives on bland beige takeaways. Anything is good. She doesn't rate the hotel restaurant steph said but that's because she wants to go out and wine and dine at night she doesn't want to be basic in the hotel. She wants to act like she's got her s together going out like coco the clown. And her hairs still not washed. And she's getting into pools with children and other adults. She's disgusting. I'd be itching.