Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 7, 2024
Most of her followers are either bought or only there for the drama and to watch her slip up lol. If she had laughed the whole 'beefgate' off along with everyone there wouldn't be any woeisme page and everyone would have moved on from the roast dinner by now. But instead she chose to 'punish' her huns the next day by giving them the silent treatment and then claim she had an emotional 24 hours happening that she couldn't talk about so as usual breadcrumbing a load of se that hadn't happened to create sympathy, not to mention pedalling out the fake MC and pregnancy tests, this has in fact failed her miserably and turned people including her loving followers the opposite way and I am living for it :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: She gets everything she deserves. She's addicted to TikTok, it comes before anything else including her poor child. Without it she wouldn't have anything, she lives in a world of lies and fantasies and she swore on Harpers life she's never ever lied on the app, disgusting! And i find it interesting that her mother, her sister and her bestie Steph 'beefy' vav haven't stepped in and commented and supported her, because they know being on TikTok themselves that they could be next to have pages made in their honour lol, shouses the lot of em. Anyway lets hope we get a juicy, popcorn filled weekend eh? :D:p:ROFLMAO:
You're so right! She tries to manipulate everything and when people see through her she tries some more! If I was her I'd be so concerned right now, everything is coming crashing down


Mar 7, 2024
I have asked for a thread to be created on Stephanie Vavron in the Scottish TikTokkers thread as there is far too much to pick over on this Highland Heifer to lump her in with everyone else. She is as bad if not worse than Aimee.
She has a thread if you go to the main tiktok page on here x


Mar 8, 2024
It's the same girl. I saw her on woeisme and looked her up 😊 although, I've not seen his profile, just hers and the photo is from December so recent. I've watched the tattle threads from the start. So happy to have somewhere to finally comment! I hope everyone on here is as decent as those on tattle because they're a good bunch that I'm gutted I can't be a part of
Same, i read all the Tattle comments and am gutted I can’t add valid points, thanks to someone in the Woeisme comments that I found here, lots of new people here today 🤣🤣


Mar 8, 2024
The defiance she is showing is exactly how my eldest is who has ODD alongside his ADHD. The more she is told to lock her socials down, the more she won’t regardless of the consequences.
She’s back, waving scrambled eggs on a fork around and chewing and talking with her mouth open. She thinks it’s a community service so she can help people eat. What an absolute angel