Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
Sorry but If she gets in the papers she is over. She isn’t one step closer to a blue tick. And you have to be covered by the press 3 times in 12 months to get one anyway.

It’s the only way the huns will wake up and the wider community / country will know what she is like.

Who will want to follow her anyway then even if she gets a blue tick??
Yes and don't think it's made a difference with Vav she's still a despised vile t.
The more people know the better and hopefully it will be the end of her. 🤞🤞🤞


Mar 9, 2024
Vav I think you'll find that so called trolls are you and Aimees entire personality and existence cause what content would either of you have if you weren't trying to call people out for having a valid opinion on either of you! 🥴
Listen big vav disco fanny, I have plenty of a life. To say our life revolves are a fat sweaty slob is hilarious. If she dropped off the face of the earth I would still have plenty to get on with in life. Now do off and enjoy Disneyland. Hope there are no wright restrictions and your size 10 arse gets called into question


Mar 19, 2024
Mite sound ridiculous, does anyone follow Miss Red? She recently did a live about that tara the beggar after people where contacing her etc she seems to have quite an impact when she does her news feed lives. This tara has had an account stream her lives for 20+ days with people that know her and its been really successful in outing her for the things she's done which some are absolutely disgusting. We need something like that, where people can't actually listen to all the evidence and people talk etc. I know I'm prob pulling at straws but she can't get away with anymore!
Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
Granny Gash-flash said shamless and H looked glowing and healthy after their hols. There was laughter and tears yesterday as Aimee has a lot to contend with at the moment. She doesn't understand it as aimee is such "an amazing, honest, beautiful, strong woman....."

insert laughter here 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 lol she's proven she's isnt any of those!!
Just constant manipulation.

Lie Detector

Mar 8, 2024
I truly believe she believes she doesn’t lie, she believes whatever is in her head.
She’s put everything out there and nothing makes sense.
I’ve notice that there is always a influx of new followers, the older ones leave, and this is how she does it, the new ones believe her as they don’t go back enough to see her lies. The older followers end up here 😂
Slippers are dirty because she’s been wearing them indoors 💐
I bet people wipe their feet on the way OUT of that house!


Mar 9, 2024
The woe is me video hasn't given Aimee the desired effect so Wendy wide gash has been roped in to fight her corner! Now don't get me wrong, I would fight anyone or anything to defend my kids but......if my kids were being utter Knobheads I'd give em a clip around the ear n tell him to pack it the do in!!! I really want to know what kinda hold Aimee has over her mother! :oops: :oops: 🖕 🖕 🖕
Wendy wide gash 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Mar 7, 2024
Imagine if that was Charlie getting called out like Aimee does? I wonder if the Suzi Quatro wanabe would be defending her as much as she is Aimee? Absolutely not! None of them ever comment on each others TikToks. They're all insanely jealous of each other, Aimee's livid about Mother and Charlie being on TikTok, when you watch the vids of the 3 of them together for any occasion the side eyeing and rolling of eyes between Aimee and Charlie is there for all to see, i think they secretly hate each other and everything is a competition :D:D 🖕 🖕 🖕
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Mar 10, 2024
Granny Gash-flash said shamless and H looked glowing and healthy after their hols. There was laughter and tears yesterday as Aimee has a lot to contend with at the moment. She doesn't understand it as aimee is such "an amazing, honest, beautiful, strong woman....."

insert laughter here 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 lol she's proven she's isnt any of those!!
Pic is showing luv so u can edit them xx
Mar 7, 2024
Just constant manipulation.
If it was a friend or family member you would you tell them straight, get your s together and change this perception of you. Show them you are more than a lazy, slob with a drink problem. Show them you can be a good mum! Perhaps that's why she only has Gregg the wallet, gash-flash, gnarly, sap who she went out with a few weeks ago and vicious vav. We know she's prone to a destructive temper tantrum. She won't listen to constructive feedback, she just wants to hear how amazing she is. I'd rather surround myself with people who have my back but also put me in my place when I need it than a bunch of disingenuous sycophants
Mar 8, 2024
Imagine if that was Charlie getting called out like Aimee does? I wonder if the Suzi Quatro wanabe would be defending her as much as she is Aimee? Absolutely not! None of them ever comment on each others TikToks. They're all insanely jealous of each other, Aimee's livid about Mother and Charlie being on TikTok, when you watch the vids of the 3 of the together for any occasion the side eyeing and rolling of eyes between Aimee and Charlie is there for all to see, i think they secretly hate each other and everything is a competition :D:D 🖕 🖕 🖕
Suzi quatro 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭
Just watched it 😴😴😴
She forgot to mention the part where they likely polished off a couple of bottles each!!
Poor H having to listen to them crying because what that selfish, vile prick has brought on herself!
Gormless granny you have created a monster and she is not a nice, she's not strong or anything else bullshit you spouted about your favourite daughter!!
You should however be proud of Charlie but then again that's probably down to her dad's influence!!


Mar 10, 2024
It's her profile pic not mine showing but thank you for looking out for me x
Ah OK luv thats fine ❤ I feel like the picture police on here, constantly telling folk there pfp is showing 🤣 just want to look out for u lovely lot as the huns are deranged and would think nothing of putting any info they can out there of folk from here and TL 💞