Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 9, 2024
Take note Wendy the wench… this video says it all from Charlie, trying to make up excuses to justify why she didn’t go on Saturday. Agreeing to some random follower they should make the effort and go to hers.
I honestly cannot get over how they left her home alone unwell and went on the piss in Liverpool without even a mention of her.
Make more effort with your daughter before she gets rid of you for good.
Why the obsession with aimemememe I will never know.. oh hang on.. money & booze on tap
Forget Catpiss for a second, the bad parenting all stems from selfish old crow WENDY


Apr 21, 2024
Just watched the first minute of slaggy Wendy's latest (that's all I could do!) so she treated herself to a lay in this morning and then got in her cosies to do some gardening. So obviously did the usual drunk drive home 😡😡
had time to lay in but didnt have time to see her daughter who she left high and dry yesterday, selfish witch :mad:
Mar 16, 2024
United Kingdom
Sorry Aimee you’re wrong!! I can keep a partner. Im not the one who’s had three dicks up my Mersey tunnel in the last 18months.
I’ve been with my husband for 25 years.
We were young when we met, we have 4 chidren, he has his own business and I work too.
I worked a night shift last night, had a two our nap and cooked a roast, while my husband took the two youngest to the park to play baseball
What does she serve up her daughter, cucumbers and cheese 🤣😳


Mar 8, 2024
Sorry Aimee your wrong!! I can keep a partner. Im not the one whose had three dicks up my Mersey tunnel in the last 18months.
Hags? No friends?

Mate you are talking about yourself aren’t you?

My partner worships me, I have 2 healthy and happy children and my house (council) is neat, tidy and more modern than yours.

I’ve just been up and down the country this weekend where my daughter has done brilliantly at rowing. She has her GCSEs coming up but she is juggling things perfectly. She is beautiful, very fit and strong and she is well liked.

You are the example of why I would never wish for anything more than I’ve got. I mean that.

I am prepared to give you my phone number if you so wish so I can call explain to you why I have reported you to multiple people.

You need therapy Aimee, you need seriously help for your narcissism, entitlement, personality disorder and obviously your eating and alcohol issues.

If only you could take a step back and ask yourself why so many people hate you, why so many people are all saying the same thing. There’s no smoke without fire Aimee and I wouldn’t piss on you my dear if you were on fire.

Equally if you were on fire you would be cinder in seconds because it’s YOU that’s the greasy, dirty hag. Just like that absolute trollop of a mother.

I hope Charlie fs you both off.

You’re both toxic and too far gone to be fing helped.

If you were a dog with the list of issues you have you’d be put down.


Mar 16, 2024
Can I just say that ss can step in at times and remove a child. My best friends child was bribed by her father to lie and say her mum was neglecting her and they removed the child from the house and she was placed into temporary care of a relative. No proof of anything. She only got her back because it all came out then that her father had manipulated the child. So if there's enough evidence of neglect I can't see ss doing nothing at all. I do believe she was under supervision a while back but don't believe aimees done any work on herself and how she takes care of Harper for that not to happen again and for maybe temporary custody going elsewhere. I wouldn't want anyone to lose their child but I've seen it happen as I say and my friend is literally the best mum, the child has gourmet meals every night and gets everything she needs in life but unfortunately has a narcisstic father who trys to control my friend via the child
A child can only be removed by a court order or the police. A parent can sign their child into care or arrange a family member to care through an assessment but SS have no power to just rock up and remove a child.

I know we all don’t like Aimee and she could provide such a better lifestyle for Harper considering the money and time she has but from what we see on tik tok SS would not get involved. There are no immediate risks to Harper, she is clothed, fed, attends school and has the basics of what a child needs. SS are involved with children at significant risk of harm, Harper is not chronologically neglected like a lot of children sadly are. SS reports would get nowhere and likely just result in school or other agencies offering advice with any identified support needs


Mar 8, 2024
She's just described herself - what a melt 🤣
It makes her feel better calling us hags. Just because we see through you and all your lies doesn’t make us so.
I’m no hag, I’m quite a beauty even if I do say so myself. You Olga are just a spoilt narcissistic b.
It’s so obvious you are a member of this group, commenting and defending yourself. You are the one with a sad life. You show us all every single day just how awful it is.


Mar 8, 2024
Thank you. Today was an exception to my no comment rule, she lies like a rug all the time. I've been an emotional mess today tracking friends running in London, delighted to say they all finished 😊
Well you didn’t call her a fat ugly lying b did you so you’re hardly a troll.
Just pointed out some facts that she had already put out there.
Well done to your pals!


Feb 28, 2024
Imagine probably sitting there refreshing both websites for hours on end!
You can call us all the childish insults because none of them are true!
Whereas what we say about you is 😂

- se mother 🙄
- mocks DV
- can’t keep a man
- puts 🍆 before her kid 2 steps dads in 6 months
- wasn’t using protection and shame on him for that as well!
- caught an STI
- drinks every minute of the day
- plonks your kid on a tablet with headphones
- can’t do sod all remotely parent like “anxiety”
- your own family tip toes around you cause you can’t take criticism at your big age!

I could go on and on! But I’ll stop there!

You and your fat muff can stay in a huff, for no man will you ever be enough, your fanny is all spotty and rough, declare war with the Huns when life gets tough!



Mar 19, 2024
I have amazing children which I have done a dam good job rasing! one is in the Navy other is a hairdresser! And a younger at home with me x I work, I clean, I cook. I have wonderful friends and family. I would do anything for anyone! I'm a good person and I don't stop making sure my family and home are taken care off. Aimee! You are completely delusional! You seriously need help! You are so far gone you don't know what reality is anymore! There only one that is a hag is you!look at the fing state of you and how you live! Ur a filthy dirty stinking horrible b! The only people you have is ur enabling mother and ur addicts on TT! Greg the wallet prob thinks do it! Mite aswell put up with her for a few more years! Prob knows u would make his life hell if he told u where to go! Ur a horrible sister! Dangling ur wealth in her face! Why don't u send her some flowers down u selfish cow! Buying Mummys love! How dare you call us Hags on here! The fing irony hahaha

Sorry who's had 4 men in 5 years run away from them...........Dickhead! Go and wash ur dirty riddled vagina you fishy b! Il take my life over urs every fing day!