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  1. Nanna Bea

    Triple...sometimes more! Not that she mentioned it or anything 🤣
  2. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Has she had to "off load" a fair bit of cash? She's not bothered about buying her mum a car, or giving money to her sister for the deposit to her flat, yet won't buy tickets to a theme park or other places as its to fiddle?
  3. Nanna Bea

    She's started with the attitude on insta now, that didn't take long!
  4. Nanna Bea

    She goes on about all her followers, I'd lay a bet most of then are there to see how nasty she is, even her loyal followers are commenting on how her snapback are out of order, then she'll block them as well, she's vile
  5. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    It's shocking isn't it! Clothes all over it I always thought clothes go in a wardrobe not on top 😂
  6. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    I don't really follow her on TT I have seen her on my fyp every now and then so thought I would have a look on CC and see what she is about and I caught the back end of the doxxing of her address
  7. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    This is the decorated bedroom...I honestly thought it was the before photos ffs!
  8. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    It was the single mamma thread, it was pretty shocking
  9. Nanna Bea

    I saw a TT of a women saying she had been blocked by the hob goblin for saying sausages cooked in gravy would be full of grease and she would hate to see what the gravy is like cold, before HG blocked she commented with " I bet you're cold" there's just no need at all
  10. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    I think camila got banned for doxxing on another thread and she set the thread up
  11. Nanna Bea

    I think she put gifted, but if it was better than her shark then why give it away? Just shows she has no morals and would sell her soul to the devil for a £
  12. Nanna Bea

    I see the hob goblin has been gifted a new vacuum, according to her it beats her shark! But then gifts it to her granddaughter, hmm I smell 🦬💩
  13. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I now can't unsee that 😳 🤣
  14. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    She's back on private, so can't see anything she posts, she's really ruining my fun at the moment 😂
  15. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    Well her TT is open again, so she must be missing the attention!
  16. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    She's been very very boring, account still private!! She needs to stop ruining it for us
  17. Nanna Bea

    Well what can we say! She was obviously proven wrong (bahahaha) so proven wrong means delete the evidence! But the thick poisoned dwarf forgets about the screen shots 😂😂😂
  18. Nanna Bea

    Such a nasty hag!
  19. Nanna Bea

    She's asking to be tagged in these videos she's been rude chuffin hard to find seeing she deletes/blocks everyone who has a difference of an opinion to her, vile Jimmy krankie she is!
  20. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    I've noticed she's put her TT onto private, again not for long as she lives for the drama, I was out and about in Hudds today hoping i would see her and have something to post, but alas! No joy