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  1. T

    Falasious @little_g_789

    I honestly think she should be banned from TikTok as she’s clearly got an ED and is slowly killing herself, plus she’s killing off micro Mark with his s-filled lunches. Now with this BS about her low BP she’s making herself look an ever bigger tit. If her Apple Watch strap wasn’t fighting for...
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    Falasious @little_g_789

    Mammoth jacket potato tonight with a side of conversation about her low blood pressure. Alarmingly she’s stated her diastolic BP is 55 and drops into the 30s…which is normal for her apparently. Erm, no it’s not normal. Heart failure anyone? Bloody hell.
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    Falasious @little_g_789

    Oh no, as usual she was disgusted by her food and didn’t eat it. She must put on weight through osmosis as she apparently eats like a bird. Absolute bullshitter.
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    Falasious @little_g_789

    The greedy guts has feasted on two huge finest salmon fillets tonight, while the poor bloke gets a fishfinger sandwich. The gluttony is off the scale!!
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    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    Don’t have nightmares!
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    Falasious @little_g_789

    Yeah!! You could tell she had the right hump - her face said it all. It must be exhausting living with her. If it’s not the hideous dress adverts, or just flogging any old se, it’s her incessant excitement over different seasons. She’s definitely not the full ticket.
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    The Tunisia trip has been revealed. At this are she’s out of this country more than she’s in it. Talk about the life of Riley.
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Why do they never take off Wocco’s harness? Poor thing. At least bring with Kuki he’ll get proper walks. I still can’t get over how sad he always seems. That is not a normal spaniel.
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    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    This is brilliant! I bet she’s fuming. How I’d love to be a fly on the wall. Karma’s a b.
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Helf check part 2 is up. She can’t pronounce bilateral… In short the helf check sounded like a total waste of time.
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    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    She’s awfully quiet, isn’t she? I do hope her holiday isn’t being ruined. 😜
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Yeah but Falasious is also a freak and a good one to hate watch. I watch her videos out of morbid curiosity and to see what weightloss lies she’s made up this week. A good percentage of her views must be feeder kink pervs who like illiterate obese women.
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I called it. Knew there would be a college drama. My ASD son has done all of his college application and enrolment with minimal support. That college are going to have their hands full with this lot. Be interesting to see how long before the next drama occurs.
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I reckon there’s been some additional drama regarding the first day of college. No wonder the kids can’t function at school etc if this is just a reaction to Kuki getting a ULEZ fine. Being around this neurotic woman would make anyone anxious. Talk about needing to gain some perspective!
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    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    When you think about all the absolutely rank takeaways and the terrible diet she eats at home, something in that hotel must be lethal to affect her guts. I’d have thought she had a stomach of steel. Grandpa still looks comatose. Poor bloke.
  16. T

    Falasious @little_g_789

    Normal service has resumed. Shes ’not feeling’ her bowl of fruit for breakfast. The pack of Belvita is full of sugar. Her pancreas must be working like a dog. Why not be like a normal person and have a normal piece of toast (with a normal amount of spread) or a normal bowl of healthy cereal...
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    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

  18. T

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I’m a mum to two neurodivergent children and I definitely think nurture plays a part here. They still have to learn strategies to live life…babying them doesn’t help in my opinion. I think they’re very dysfunctional as a family.
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    To me it seems like both of the younger girls are developmentally delayed. As a mum of a 12 year old there’s no way mine would be seen dead in soft play nowadays. He grew out of that about 4 years ago now. Also they bowled with the gutters up and using the ramp. They are seriously babied and...
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    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    Literally the most try hard person ever. She’s insufferable and the performance she puts on makes me cringe. She’s clearly lived a very dull life and is compensating for it now. She was saying people couldn’t afford tickets and now she’s not got them because of the cost. Clearly not that minted...