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  1. F

    Kara Thespiritualcoquettegirl @thespiritualcoquettegirl

    being honest she has completely changed her personality!!! it’s sad because now she’s just flipping boring. i always though any press was good press! now she’s just a fin fake. she was interesting before! now she is “ i love that” that’s amazing” on my god” love that” she keeps her content...
  2. The spiritual coquette girl

    she will be someone who deserves everything that is coming to her. i think we should get people who have had her go after them ect who know who she is truly
  3. The spiritual coquette girl

    No one will ever feel the shame that she feels!!!! she’s a leach on society and gives people with genuine mental health issues and anxiety a bad name. i’d love to see her take anyone to coast with everything being that serious in her eyes…….. i have never disliked someone as much as i do...
  4. The spiritual coquette girl

    that latest video!!! made my blood boil. she has been selective in the video and the screenshots!!!! someone needs to make a stitch of her video explaining that the way the tickets work is not how she portrayed and that her event was a fail because of the fact people were checking sales!!!! she...
  5. The spiritual coquette girl

    just putting it out there, is being known for being the Frome Bike, Family wrecker and prostitute being on the right side of history……….
  6. The spiritual coquette girl

    her latest video…… i have 68,000 followers if you all give £1! sorry love you couldn’t even get 100 of them to attended your event….. she is delusional beyond beleif! most of the people who follow you hun is for entertainment purposes only……… and even we are getting fed up of your fake new...
  7. The spiritual coquette girl

    she murdered that song nothing good about it. she’s a mean girl, it’s got to be why people blow smoke in her arse but what they are actually doing is enabling her to be a C*nt
  8. The spiritual coquette girl

    like this lol
  9. The spiritual coquette girl

    oh my god! that’s a scarf she got at a flea to start with, also why is she flashing those revolting nails all over the place?! she looks flat chested, big lipped and big hands! reminds me of the gremlin that thinks she can sing 😂
  10. The spiritual coquette girl

    i can’t see one of her singing just that stupid cutlery collection
  11. The spiritual coquette girl

    on her way to a film set……… i didn’t realise they were filming another series of Benefit Britain 😂😂😂😂😂😂 also she would have a problem picking the weekend out her nose! her nose is big enough to take it all without left overs 😂
  12. The spiritual coquette girl

    she’s off to london…………. watch her on tv……… i sont watch babe station or Kara’s equivalent lol sorry bean seeing you on tiktok is enough with your mottled face!!!!! just quick, she can carry a heavy bag with all her s in, to the train station ( ahe can wear as much make up as she wants and...
  13. The spiritual coquette girl

    she isn’t skinny enough to receive fortisips anymore so shows that she can actually put weight on and is doing hence maybe why they want to see her as she isn’t in the category anymore and the videos she does show of her eating is 90% normal food not shakes and even she can’t argue over that...
  14. The spiritual coquette girl

    when she isn’t posting her newly ripped off content from the vanity cas her video are weird and stranger which i no i shouldn’t be shocked by but why is she still flogging the fact she celibate? i don’t think it’s by choice luv!
  15. The spiritual coquette girl

    she’s even more insufferable these days with her fake nice girl persona!!! to try coning more victims into following her.
  16. The spiritual coquette girl

    Tattle has been very quiet lately……. Also noticed how since her Event she hasn’t been herself. her content is too false and planned and she is minding her Ps and Qs. She hasn’t even said anything about the so called “information that came to light” at the event as she was on a high so would t...
  17. The spiritual coquette girl

    OH MY!!! that top is back to front the scoop front is at the back!!! she is a complete head case
  18. The spiritual coquette girl

    just want to say, there poor women that she singles out about the comment on the cards……. she herself says the first pack of cards are Tarot Cards! the second set aren’t! so going on the information she gave, is why that was put! So keen to make people look little. i don’t get why
  19. The spiritual coquette girl

    she looks so full of herself on a video on tattle
  20. The spiritual coquette girl

    there is no photo evidence of her there