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  1. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Unfortunately I think @Tired of the BS2 may be right and maybe after a year there’s nothing more that will come out, although I’m sure there are plenty of stories. They’ll probably just be shared amongst the people who knew him and who they impacted. There were definitely some weird goings on...
  2. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    What are people waiting to see I wonder??
  3. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    It’s a year since Richard died. Sad legacy that it took people more than 6 months to believe it, not helped by the silly games played in his demise. RIP
  4. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I know what you mean. It’s getting close to the point when anything said will be irrelevant. I saw the friend’s car is back on the market, which is a strange thing given it was “garaged” over the winter. Surely if you’re not keeping something you’d want to get the value out of it rather than...
  5. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I wonder what are people waiting to see? Who have Tattle moved on to now?!
  6. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Hello @truth-hunter2024, is this legal advice relating to what you can do about whatever the situation was with you and RD, or advice on how much you can share? I get that it’s very sensitive but are you identifiable by what you know & therefore worried about a backlash? I’m guessing if you have...
  7. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    What is wrong with these people? The problem is you start to distrust your ability to know who really does need your help. That’s so depressing.
  8. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I haven’t yet, but I’ll have a look over it at the weekend. You just don’t know where the impetus comes from to swindle people in this way, I mean, in any way is horrendous but using cancer just feels so disgraceful. We’ve all known what it’s like to be touched by that disease, and some more...
  9. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Who’s this man then?? Many similarities?
  10. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    What’s still bringing people here? Are they waiting for something to be shared? I just can’t believe people would be looking if they weren’t expecting/hoping to see something. We check in periodically because we’ve been invested in what we’ve found, but what are 307000 views looking for??
  11. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Hello friends, good to “hear” your voices! Hope you’re all well! And @The_Snooty_Fox did you know about R before you stumbled across us?
  12. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Did she get the marriage cert? Or did she say that it stated on the death certificate that she was the spouse and therefore it implied there was one? I can’t imagine that they weren’t married to be honest as that was a very flashy party if it wasn’t for that reason, even despite the notice...
  13. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Answered my own question - it’s useful to have but not legally required. What you do have to do is give the dob of the surviving spouse.
  14. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Good morning all, I’ve been wondering. Do you have to provide a marriage certificate to be put as spouse on a death certificate?
  15. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Hi all, and hope you’re well? I wonder whether anybody is ever going to share what their experience of R is. That’s a heck of a lot of views for people who don’t have something to say. It’s almost like they’re waiting for something …
  16. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Me too!
  17. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Ditto! It’s been good chewing things over with you, and it’s a relief to know that there are still people with a strong moral compass out there!
  18. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Ditto! It’s been good chewing things over with you, and it’s a relief to know that there are still people with a strong moral compass out there!
  19. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Maybe, but if his death wasn’t enough to bring them out of the woodwork it seems unlikely as time goes on that anything will. What would make the time right? My only experience of Richard personally is what he put online after his diagnosis, and everything else is what people have either...
  20. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Maybe, but if his death wasn’t enough to bring them out of the woodwork it seems unlikely as time goes on that anything will. What would make the time right? My only experience of Richard personally is what he put online after his diagnosis, and everything else is what people have either...