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  1. Deleted member 1244

    Love Island 2024

    Ohhh I love that!!!! Omg the tumble weed afterwards. I can’t wait for Joey and Scouse drama.
  2. Deleted member 1244

    Love Island 2024

    Just saw the steals. called it! Just call me mystic Meg. Patsy looks fuming. Ima doesn’t like any of them. Brilliant stuff
  3. Deleted member 1244

    Love Island 2024

    Argh I’m 15 min behind ! I just saw her steal AYO. He had a face like a smacked arse at the news. My phone keeps capitalising his name.
  4. Deleted member 1244

    Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

    its Karma Kaz ok? his jokes are terribly unfunny. i cant work out whats going on. i havent watched him fully before but its actually causing me physical pain
  5. Deleted member 1244

    Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

    theyll have to sneal on the plane throught VIP entrance like celebs do. imagine being seen in the 'rejects thread'. Also you actually cancelled yourself as youre not a societally cancelled member on CC
  6. Deleted member 1244

    Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

    CLA seems to have had a corporate telling off. She was saying this morning that she needs to come off tiktok and concentrate on her brand etc. She does this after shes had a call from the chinese usually saying shes gonna lose her account. I missed the meltdown though, she was a general t...
  7. Deleted member 1244

    Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

    passengers incoming? We have nothing prepared! do we need snacks? what have i missed ive just turned on KK watching zac be a nob
  8. Deleted member 1244

    Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

    dave dorans is another one just avoiding a prison sentence by the skin of his teeth daily. i cannot ABIDE that man. Whats the john and emz thing? ive wasted so much time today on my phone and done about 1 hours work.
  9. Deleted member 1244

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    As I’m new to James lore sorry if this is a silly q - but I noticed he hasn’t posted for a few days, is this new behaviour? I saw his posts saying he knows people have been speaking about him so I assume he’s read tattle and here. Is this the first time he’s realised people are on to him?
  10. Deleted member 1244

    Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

    He’s a horrible little Scrote isn’t he. What are you watching
  11. Deleted member 1244

    Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

    Oh I just remembered - my favourite part of my “cancellation” is that this thread is known as the “rejects” thread. 💞
  12. Deleted member 1244

    Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

    Another day in paradise guys!!!!
  13. Deleted member 1244

    Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

    Deffo. Deadwood’s comment on him the other day was spot on. He’s also avoiding talking bad about anything EQ has said. He does all these threats “I’ll destroy you”. Like um ok you’re hard 🤣
  14. Deleted member 1244

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    @ToothlessHag this guy it’s absolutely incredible. And so many people believe him, it’s mental
  15. Deleted member 1244

    Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

    I’m scared to answer the question in case comrs and starts world war 7. I “bullied” its doubtfire not the film character but the one here. Onwards and upwards I say!
  16. Deleted member 1244

    Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

    Just replying to this comment because I think ur right… I really thought he was doing a Chris Hansen on gifting but now he’s doing comedy roasts on American toads
  17. Deleted member 1244

    Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

    So Karma Kaz now basically does Roasts of people? I caught him doing creative roasting on some American guy. I’m assuming the manipulation of gifters exposure is on pause?
  18. Deleted member 1244

    Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

    ahhh thats so nice! i got a grilling today and new accounts made just to tell me off so perhaps ive become a negative chonk.
  19. Deleted member 1244

    Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

    omg i need to tune in. still working need some nonsense relief!
  20. Deleted member 1244

    Love Island 2024

    Mimi stealing Ayo Omar Stealing Uma so that they are all in couples? or Patsy. But i tihnk patsy is laying it on THICK which maybe istn good