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  1. The spiritual coquette girl

    She's literally infamous in her hometown for ❄️ and being a massive w. She has a sad empty life and uses her kid as emotional support which is so unfair on him.
  2. The spiritual coquette girl

    Ah yes because walking fast is known to flare fibro up
  3. The spiritual coquette girl

    In case you missed any of it before it was all deleted 👀
  4. The spiritual coquette girl

    I don't think that was a sober rant.... 🍷🥂 or ❄️ ❄️
  5. The spiritual coquette girl

    Bestie Bean every video 🙈🤣
  6. The spiritual coquette girl

    Another nearly £50 haul of pointless tat 🙄
  7. The spiritual coquette girl

    Love the product placement of the nutritional shakes, wonder if she's angling for a sponsorship with them too? 🤣
  8. The spiritual coquette girl

    To earn extra? Sounds very sus. Also has no reviews yet on play store
  9. The spiritual coquette girl

    Literally what on EARTH. Sounds like an MLM to me!
  10. The spiritual coquette girl

    Patreon so she can clear out fromes charity shops and put them into boxes to sell to her bots, I mean followers. 🤣🤣
  11. The spiritual coquette girl

    Starting a patreon and now starting an event? Hope she's reporting all of this to the tax man. Even more proof she's capable of working if she has the capacity to organise and attend an event..
  12. The spiritual coquette girl

    It's the fact that she would rather her son had that ridiculous filter on than remove it so we see the real her 🤣🤣🤣
  13. The spiritual coquette girl

    PLEASE give us notes I only caught a few minutes! Chatting se about hypermobilty being a connective tissue disorder. Wrong again, you can have general hypermobilty on its own, it's hypermobile ehlers danlos syndrome or hypermobilty spectrum disorder that are connective tissue disorders. Makes...
  14. The spiritual coquette girl

    Just leaving this here... I don't understand where her audacity comes from! No education just bitching, her next video with the gifts from a follower, her rubbing her greedy little hands together with glee, knocked me sick honestly.
  15. The spiritual coquette girl

    So she's "never done tarot readings" but you can order on her link tree? 🤔
  16. The spiritual coquette girl

    And she's off ranting again about consumerism and consumption, when she buys in excess every time she leaves the house. People are starting to wake up in the comments though!
  17. The spiritual coquette girl

    I do wonder if her mum is aware of the videos she's posted about her or not. That whole Louis asked santa to fill her stocking is pure BS, any excuse to buy herself even more tat lmao. With all the medical stuff I do find it interesting (frustrating) that it's all these mysterious things they...
  18. The spiritual coquette girl

    How often do we see her socialising? It's sad she's built a parasocial relationship with her "fans" because her own life is clearly so empty. New era away from the chav and drug phase. I assume she alienated everyone she used to be friends with. Such a shame she's enforcing it on her son too...
  19. The spiritual coquette girl

    I have noticed that the shakes are making more of an appearance recently, keeping her alive and all that 🤣🤣 not the constant platefuls of difficult to swallow roast potatoes and cheese sauce 😜
  20. The spiritual coquette girl

    I think it's ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ contributing to the hyperactive behaviour rather than adhd. I hope to god she's not asked to be put on the waiting list for that as its years long already for those who genuinely need a diagnosis. Also waiting a year for another appointment to "find out what's wrong"...