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  1. The spiritual coquette girl

    Totally full of bullshit, she's literally buying things purposely. lying comes so easy to her, even when there's no reason to lie.
  2. The spiritual coquette girl

    The scum in that tea 😲
  3. The spiritual coquette girl

    Imagine being a 33 year old women doing this in your bedroom mid afternoon complete with 2 outfit changes, props and multiple takes 😂 (notice the door closed between the preview video she posted the other day and the full version) For a few hundred likes that aren't monetized 🤭
  4. The spiritual coquette girl

    The 13 day Halloween calendar was £45. the same girl who needed a charity to clear her debts, cried over bailiffs, used food banks, let her followers know she had less than £3 in her bank and her PayPal is in bio, requested followers buy birthday gifts for her son.. Tax payer's money being...
  5. The spiritual coquette girl

    It's crossed my mind how expensive her water bill must be having multiple baths a week, that's not including Louie washing. It's OTT, she couldn't afford to pay her bills couple months ago and got into debt for them all, if you were in that position you'd cut down on usage she doesn't make any...
  6. The spiritual coquette girl

    Her lifestyle doesn’t much with firbromyalgia that hinders activities. If she wants to do something or go somewhere she makes it happen. Such a fraud, she needs reporting. Didn't she mention they would share the Christmas chocolates someone sent with L, then takes the box off to the bath with...
  7. The spiritual coquette girl

    Fatal attraction vibes.. I can imagine her being a bunny boiler. Does anyone remember the storytime about her stalker from the theatre who turned out to be a man with learning difficulties? Something about the way she spoke about it didn't sit right with me. She claims to have BPD, if that's...
  8. The spiritual coquette girl

    Mental health can't always be the excuse for simply being a t. For someone sooo 'crafty' this whole post seems staged... ATTENTION PLEASE, damsel in distress 🙄
  9. The spiritual coquette girl

    Wow, that pretty much matches up to what alot of the now blocked comments were saying. lying, sleeping around, drugs and generally being a vile person which is the opposite to this soft life spiritual women she wants the beans to think she is . Not sure how true but it's been hinted she was into...
  10. The spiritual coquette girl

    I for one, love a good rant. I get the vibe from her she's stuck in early 2000's. That rant about her parents made it seem like they were really abusive. Said her mum beat her everyday, that she had to do loads of cleaning and looking after her siblings.. like she was some type of cinderella...
  11. The spiritual coquette girl

    I'm confused.. only using what she has to proof you don't need to buy anything new for Halloween, she purposely brought the wedding veil for the chucky bride.. Her caption doesn't make sense or am i reading wrong? Either way she's acting like a little girl playing dress up, it's cringe. The eye...
  12. The spiritual coquette girl

    So she just had a pair of red fish net tights hanging around... mmkay. She's constantly buying multiple items of clothing on a weekly basis, she'll have more than most to chose from to do something like this so the caption is pure arrogance. I imagine her wardrobe being similar to a community...
  13. The spiritual coquette girl

    Tiktok blessed us with the music-less ending 😂 her facial expressions, the level of effort she put in trying to look cute only to end up looking cringe.
  14. The spiritual coquette girl

    Hello friend 👋 I read comments about PCOS and people mentioning other health conditions all Kara's replies were small minded, defensive and aggressive. Does she not realise Karen Millen, new look and alot of other brands she wears support fast fashion slavery? Buying them 2nd hand doesn't...
  15. The spiritual coquette girl

    Hello friend 😁 Doesn't she! Her mannerisms have all changed recently.. very jittery like she's ice cold ❄️ Last few weekends she's been out drinking a bit of money in her pocket certainly has changed her. The dress up Halloween videos are childish and theatrical, bet tomorrow she'll dress as...
  16. Vic Rose

    That's so bad... It was suggested that the youngest has additional needs. He required alot more supervision and support than he got from her, she'd ignore them for hours then got angry and aggressive with them for making mess and being mischievous. She took him out of nursery because staff...
  17. The spiritual coquette girl

    Narcissistic benefit fraud, crys about how daddy's affair ruined her family and childhood then she sleeps with multiple men knowing they are married. Put drugs and men over her son then crys because her family disowned her and didn't want to fund her lifestyle anymore. Cheated on her boyfriend...
  18. Vic Rose

    Her old house was next to the youngest boys Dad's sister, although the dad wasn't in the picture she use to babysit him so vic could go to the gym and stuff, the house was riddled with mice but the whole street had the same issue. She got moved by the council because her address was leaked and...