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  1. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    When I came across lissas live I thought it was a place for people who are disabled/poorly/lonely etc to chat and be friendly. But all it is really is a place for lissa to think shes king ding, put on the woe is me and take money from people who are genuinely ill/lonely. She talks to people...
  2. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Clothes stuffed into every space/on the floor, pots and random items strewn everywhere isnt a lack of storage it's just bone idle scruffy.
  3. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    I live in a flat and there absolutely is that mindset of only accumulating enough "stuff" that you can comfortably store/live with.
  4. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Why does the flat always resemble a pig sty? Genuine question. Because theres absolutely no excuse for that amount of mess.
  5. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    What's she got the skip for anyway? Everything that should be put in it unfortunately is still spread all over the flat floor🥴
  6. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Well this thread has moved faster than lissa's finger pressing the live button 🤣
  7. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Move the clothes out your kitchen lissa they will fing stink of cooking. And tidy the flat. Basics of having children is providing them with a good quality of living and the state of the pit you live in is absolutely revolting. Sort it out.
  8. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Never seen lips so dry and grey 🤮 use some of the beg money for a good balm hun✌
  9. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    It will be the mental health card next. Her and the oldest will be suffering and need gifts/playstation to dig them out of the black hole trolls have put them in
  10. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    3 quid a month to watch that crank and her potty mouth kid🤣 ha as if. Yes I wonder how her uc works out. Bet it's not declared
  11. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Thank you
  12. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    What's the tiktok with photos of her flat on? 👀
  13. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Livid I missed that 😭
  14. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Has she found it?🤣 how did that go down on live? Haha
  15. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    The clothes hanging in the kitchen while she cooks gives me the boke🤮 that oldest girl of hers is a vile gobshite isnt she. Wow I cannot believe lissa is happy to show the world her real personality like that
  16. Tiktok Wrongun's

    Jo&marsh 🤮 supposed to be in hiding yet slapping their videos begging all over tiktok. Just a shameless cash grab. Pair of dossers like the rest of them
  17. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    And they just have shelves and rooms full of tat. The dollyholly is one of the worst for it
  18. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Another aspiring tiktok beg. Constantly waffles on about how poorly she is while begging gifts. Kids never at school. House always looks like a storage unit. One of lifes victims taking money from vulnerable followers
  19. Awareness of Wendy Williams

    Shes vile she knocks me sick
  20. PTWM

    Anyone bringing attention to her grift and looking into her is good news in my opinion. Even if it gets her a few more people looking at things differently