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  1. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    She's up early reading here for content ideas. Only yesterday was saying about the stimming and communication on here and here we go today...oh I want to hear his voice. He doesn't need a voice to be able to communicate. Picture aids and sign language would help him communicate greatly. After...
  2. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Well to quote her absolute favourite band: And until you've repaid The dreams you bought for your lies You'll be castaway Alone under stormy skies Alone under stormy skies But I hope you know That it won't let go It sticks around with you until the day you die
  3. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    May I also add kipper lips if you're reading...I am not obsessed I just became hyperfocused on Oasis' number 1 fan(ny) trying to find out what these songs are that you know that noone else even knows 💋
  4. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Exactly this as I drew to the end of my midnight scrolling on Insta, just weeks possibly even days after the passing of "the love of her life" there were diet and gym posts! Lots of kippers and eggs were consumed.
  5. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    It was worth the scroll though, I managed to get myself a wonderful profile pic. Before the botox be botoxing and the filters be filtering 😀
  6. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    I had a very long, quiet and pretty tedious shift at work last night. And after discovering she doesn't even follow Oasis or any of the brothers on Insta. I scrolled right back to see if there was ever any mention of them in the past. I only got to 2013 before I had to give up for the sake of my...
  7. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    I knows it's completely normal for ASD children to stim but to ignore it completely and not even bat an eyelid to see what her child wants or needs is so horrible. So many videos and he can be heard in the background, even the latest video talking about her saggy teabags, it sounds like he's...
  8. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Very true, I maybe should have put that part in speech marks in my comment too. Anyone new going onto her page are gonna see 100 adverts, however in her delusional narcisstic head they should all know about M.
  9. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Imagine assuming everyone knows you're a mum to a disabled son 🙊 maybe videos of you exploiting your child haven't made it to this person's FYP and you're only reaching them now coz yer giving Avon/Betterware vibes now!
  10. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Instead of moaning, she could actually help him instead of loving herself in front of her phone. Poor bairn probably has sensory overload from all the smells of the nasty perfumes, air fresheners and laundry products she's trying to punt on tiktok and is vocally stimming to try regulate himself.
  11. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    I wonder if he vocal stims as much at school? He may be non verbal and self regulating but it is also a form of communication. Maybe sensory overload from something or needing more sensory input. Vocal stimming is communication but you can work on a developing other communication skills like use...
  12. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Her showcase will be looking like a Betterware catalogue in no time!
  13. cntybawz

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Yes!! That first one describes exactly her food chewing!! 🤣🤣🤣
  14. cntybawz

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Chewing her coffee, the clawing food, tapping her claws over everything, it's fineeeeeeee, the manic laughing over pathetic stuff, her vast vocabulary when doing taste tests 🙄, her wonky wink/lazy eye. That's about it for now
  15. cntybawz

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Maybe she did spend "a small fortune" on her daughter on Monday but it certainly wasn't on new school uniform, bendy wendy said in her video the kids were spoiled and got new tracksuits and trainers. I keep any items of uniform from the previous year that still fits and is in reasonably good...
  16. cntybawz

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    I'm guessing we won't be getting the haul from Monday now that is probably still lying in bags on the pissy sofa she doesn't sit on 😭 that she already took the new jumper out. Or maybe get a haul of XS pradamark jarrrrrrmmmmies.
  17. cntybawz

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    This seems to be the new response for some "creators" (using that term loosely not sure WTF they actually create) when they are called out on things. "I don't show you that" "you don't get to see that". Maybe didn't see a back to school haul, but did see the old bobbly skirt, creased see through...
  18. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    I picked up a bottle of the hypoallergenic sensitive Asevi fabric conditioner out One Below yesterday to try. Sure it was £2.99 for a 60 wash bottle not sure how that compares to TT shop prices. Think I have gone noseblind to Fairy 😂 and we're a house full of sensitive skin.
  19. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Oasis biggest fan who knows all their songs even the ones people don't know BUT doesn't even follow Oasis, Liam or Noel on insta 🤔🤨. Does however follow those 2 tattle insta pages , someone's got their fan clubs confused!! The only musician called Liam she follows is Liam Payne out 1D.
  20. cntybawz

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    I think she means the autumn decor she's just bought for round the house. Few people congratulating her on buying a house though so her inability to speak properly has caused confusion.