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  1. C


    This!!!! It makes no sense either there living in la la land acting its all good or he is genuinally clean and has been longer then shes saying either way shes been showing up as a big fat liar shes a selfish cow its all about her feelings sod how the boys feel social need to do somthing asap
  2. C


    She really is social are now involved as someone called them so i hope they give her a wake up call she acts shes taken him back and is helping him for the boys but its for her in her words “oh if i was doing this for a friend everyone would be saying how great i am but because its shaun its...
  3. C


    Oh 100% they wouldnt not ring you back if that was the case but then again she compared what shaun does to a parent who works away all week or is in the army so 😂
  4. C


    Dont normally say this i hope ss step in and make her choose them poor boys man
  5. C


    She desperatly wants him back ive noticed on live she turns really cocky towards him but i 100% doubt its not that way when shes live if she wants him back she needs to just do it 🤷‍♀️
  6. C


    And beth sorry babes listing some clothes on vinted and playing playstation wont help drug withdrawl it just wont wake up
  7. C


    Theres somthing not adding up surley if he was withdrawing of this drug that apperently so lethal he wouldnt he acting so normal? Going gym doing this doing that like the past year didnt happen i fully believe hes still taking it none of it adds up or hes been living there a lot longer then what...
  8. C


    Needs a good wash for sure
  9. C


    He takes the piss with her food though there eating a full on meal and then will probably buy a takeaway later or cook more food and she dont care because she has a lap dog cooking for her there both idoits this will blow up asap
  10. C


    Thats how i found her think it was around the time shaun was gone early last year felt awful for her then longer i watched realised nothing added up
  11. C


    Agree with everything you said i think shes like a car crash you wanna look away but cant ss wouldnt let the boys stay there if shes honest with them which i doubt she was comparing the situation to when kids have parents in the army and work away weeks/months at a time 🙄 she also lies loads...
  12. C


    100% she didnt call them either someone called on her know that for a fact also did u hear her say how she called social on her self years ago because she found dr””gs in a bag on the table and they said your doing all she can She wants to play the hero them poor boys are already messed up and...
  13. C


    Also did u notice she got caught out lying said they slept separately and then shaun dropped her in it saids hes been sleeping in bed with her 👀
  14. C


    Oh i agree i think she wanted to have the status of being the one to save him
  15. C


    Saying she called social on herself when i know for a fact social have been called on her is bs
  16. C


    Hes just pretty much admitted he wants beth and free house no bills feet under the table with all the good things but wants to still do d”””gs on the side in his world he doesnt want the boys he wants somewhere to lay his head get his pee pee wet while still going off getting off his head beth...
  17. C


    Oh 100% did u see on her live this morning he was saying i havent seen you in a dress for a while to me saids hes lived there longer then what shes told tiktok and then was having ago saying its your own fault for leaving but proper ripped into him like hang on you want to help him but then your...
  18. C


    Hello Was just wondering if any of you follow her i started following her around 3 years ago she shares her “journey” leaving an abusive relationship Run down beth has a partner and 2 young kids she shared in multiple videos how her partner shaun is an alcoholic and can turn abusive with her...