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  1. Becki Jones

    A fing hot tub! She wants to get a hot tub! Please god no! We do not want that sight on our screens!
  2. Becki Jones

    Yeah and doing it on her fing crocs the drip!!!
  3. Becki Jones

    the amount of food she eats is not normal!!! The amount of calories she’s consuming in just one meal is ridiculous. She’s a lazy dosser! The enablers in her comment sections are disgusting! Encouraging her clear addiction to food is shocking!!! Her face is so fat that her eyes are disappearing...
  4. The spiritual coquette girl

    Trampy s! Why would anyone say something like that in the internet! w
  5. The spiritual coquette girl

    I’ve got one. I will have a look when it goes live! Wonder if the back payment is running out and she’s realised she’s spent all her money on tat and crap so thought “oh I will get the beans to buy some of it” she’s a calculated prick 😤
  6. The spiritual coquette girl

    Exactly I have BPD and I don’t tell people unless I absolutely have to. It’s not a fashion statement and those of us that genuine struggle with it do not prance about like little miss thrust s
  7. The spiritual coquette girl

    I’m absolutely howling! Off to her swallow test on the bus and trains with no anxiety yet when she took her son out the other day had a huge meltdown and was so anxious! Came out the swallow test and rammed all that food down her gob! Didn’t have any trouble swallowing that did you, you silly...
  8. The spiritual coquette girl

    Agreed! She didn’t have anxiety when she was prancing around in her fashion show!! That poor boy listening to her harp on about all her fake illnesses! Moaned about £3.20 for a sprite yet was quite willing to rip off people for 5 stalls and a s fashion show! She’s never ever poorly when she’s...
  9. The spiritual coquette girl

    The woman is a walking talking bull******r. Oh so now she’s got OCD aswelll! Oh and hay fever now to add to the forever growing list of ailments! Little miss blow my money on tatt must have been reading oh here and tattle as she’s taking the boy out!! He will probs be allowed a crappy old book...