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    Well, that’s a wild ride I don’t expect. She posted on Reddit to get her tattle thread removed and it backfired massively. Sells her kids out and then complains. What a knob.
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    What's the point of tattle life if new people can't even join? They should close it down!

    Exactly. More members more moderation required.
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    What's the point of tattle life if new people can't even join? They should close it down!

    It’s still crazy active even though the lurkers way outnumber the users. The most popular threads turnover in a day or sometimes less when there is drama. Why create more work for the mods?
  4. B

    What's the point of tattle life if new people can't even join? They should close it down!

    They will get most of their ad revenue from lurkers so why make more work for themselves? I read something recently about why the introduced the codes but can’t remember why so I’ll try to find it again. I know someone that joined recently, you just have to find someone you know that has...
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    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    I know, I have no idea who any of these people are, or what’s happened to be honest but it’s wild and I am hooked 😂
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    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    This thread is 😂😂😂 I don’t really have any idea who the goodies and baddies are but it’s wild!
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    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    You say sorry but just made it even worse? Hmm, suspicious.
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    Tattle Life Forums General Thread

    Even with codes they are selective. I know someone who has been waitlisted for months and someone else that got accepted right away.
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    Tattle Life Forums General Thread

    The GoFundMe is now funding about 25 people at an all inclusive resort with little evidence of them doing anything.
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    Invite code - Tattle Life

    No one will give you one. If you end up being a troll the person giving the code also gets banned. @Admin please can we block the word code?
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    Why is tattle life still online?

    I’ve seen much worse on twitter.
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    Memes / Reels

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    Memes / Reels

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    Alice Evans (@aliceevansgruff)

    I checked her insta and there is nothing, and also nothing on her tattle thread which pick up on everything. However Alice has form for creating fake accounts that she can use to pretend abuse to hide her own.
  15. B

    Tattle Life Forums General Thread

    It’s hit and miss. Some get in immediately and others put on a wait list. I guess it depends on who Yel likes. I changed accounts and got in but a friend who wanted a new name got waitlisted.
  16. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    I looked up that article and even though they have blurred the face it’s pretty bad that they have used some of the TU screenshots. Anyone who knows her could probably identify her.
  17. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    I only read one Tik Tok thread and that’s Nanna Bea. To be fair she deserves it. I used to love watching her until I found out all her nasty replies to people via the tattle thread. I followed on Instagram and never read the comments, but I think they are worse on Tik Tok.
  18. umptyomptyampty - moderator of anti tattlelife reddit

    Some knuckle dragger is taking advantage and spamming there. Posted Helen’s supposed address, and a few other threads under different names. This one is still up. Others have been swiftly removed.
  19. Celebrity Big Brother 2024

    Ekin Su definitely nominated Louis after hearing the boos. She might think it will make her safer in an eviction. Still watching last night’s episode so don’t know who is up yet. Well, Louis definitely is as everyone has nominated him so far 😂😂😂 I’d vote to save him for the drama!