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  1. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    SHSSS Charlotte STOP trying to mediate LET them b it out.... Also why do the comments ALWAYS get the blame ? 🤦‍♀️🤣
  2. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    I don't know who this G is, but I think she's great 🤣🤣 She's managed to upset half of the "other" side with 1 comment & even caused Irish Kelly to be mad hahaha ha 😆 🤣🤣🤣 Also Chloe & guys IF YOU DONT WANT US TO WATCH YOU ARGUING THEN DONT DO IT ON A TIKTOK LIVE 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
  3. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Desperate Times and All 🤣🤣🤣 Let's get ready with sone witty comments Ready for story time 🤣🤣
  4. The Irelvant Regulars : Box hopping & Truma dumping in ALL the usaul Drama fulled alives

    I was totally shocked at how they ALL stood by him tbh. But yep I've noticed Alex creeping round the woman playing All nicely nice so they don't Fall out.. but me thinks give it a few weeks & something BIG s gonna come out about him.
  5. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Ohhh THE REAL Quirky Queen is Back & She's NOT happy about her fake on here .. Comment Cafe Except a call from the Police 🚔 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  6. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    SNAP ... GOT MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS Only issue is I can't remember Who's blocked me on which account so some times it takes a while to find the live 🤣🤣
  7. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Well its ALL kicking off I'm bad gal squeaks live .. just saying 🤣🤣
  8. The Irelvant Regulars : Box hopping & Truma dumping in ALL the usaul Drama fulled alives

    ITS ALL KOCKING OFF In bad gal squeaks live .... Arguing amongst themselves x🙄🙄🤣
  9. The Irelvant Regulars : Box hopping & Truma dumping in ALL the usaul Drama fulled alives

    Yes it's Harley or Courtney or unicorn or whatever else she decides to call herself this week She has a tendency to disappear once called out & then renames her account & starts popping back up in others box's then like now She's doing her own lives again 🙄 She seems to have picked consiparies...
  10. 👵🏼Gangsta Granny👵🏻 Aka ☘️ Irish Kelly☘️

    NOT MUCH I can say bout this one other than OHHH I hate her. Hate being a string word... Your triggering my past trauma. Me,me,me ... its Everyone else's fault ... proper victim complex. Would love to know the TRUE story of why she was in prison thoy.
  11. The Irelvant Regulars : Box hopping & Truma dumping in ALL the usaul Drama fulled alives

    Yes HIS EGO is something else. What really did it for me is hearing he choose his Tiktok "carear" over his relationship & baby. Like seriously 🙄 😒
  12. The Irelvant Regulars : Box hopping & Truma dumping in ALL the usaul Drama fulled alives

    That is EXACTLY why I started it, as I was in Delus thread amd every now & then it goes slightly off topic. So thought I'd start this lol. Thank you. 😊 .. as long as we keep posting & replying hopefully others will see & join in 🤣🤣
  13. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    COME ON DELU COME LIVE... I'm in bed with Covid 5th time bloody Unlucky 😷🤒 I need my Daily Fox of Delu drama 🤣🤣
  14. Rachel Skinner

    Oh wow but I'm not quite surprised tbe racist seems to cause trouble everywhere she goes.
  15. The Irelvant Regulars : Box hopping & Truma dumping in ALL the usaul Drama fulled alives

    HERES ANOTHER Box jumper ... She's in EVERY1S box & has told several times to build her own platform BUT her Christmas for the Drama has backfired on her each time. Last week she was in Alex's calling out delu, then this week she's been popping back up in delus.. watch this space now she's...
  16. The Irelvant Regulars : Box hopping & Truma dumping in ALL the usaul Drama fulled alives

    Sorry might be unpopular opinion here BUT DG IS the biggest beg on tbe APP & he's about as funny as Delus Dark humour. Literally his content now is his Deluded viewers paying for him to go on holiday every other week. For what he calls "Content" ... nahhh I putty the fools gifting thus idiot...
  17. The Irelvant Regulars : Box hopping & Truma dumping in ALL the usaul Drama fulled alives

    Yes she is terrible. The lies she says as well yet NOT 1 big creator is calling her out for it....😡😡
  18. Rachel Skinner

    Is she back AGAIN ?? 🤦‍♀️🤣