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  1. The spiritual coquette girl

    she needs serious help. how social haven’t stepped in is beyond me. she calls him buddy all the time and he doesn’t seem comfortable with it. she gives off vibes that she is the best looking girl on the planet yet all i see is a underweight women with all signs of a eating disorder, promoting...
  2. The spiritual coquette girl

    she’s full of s. people just don’t want to watch the “ spend the day with me” because it’s just lunch box, tea in the window, moan about not being able to eat, medication, collecting from school, her having a bath with stuff she supposedly can’t eat. it’s boring as she may throw in the...
  3. The spiritual coquette girl

    the last halloween video is the funniest stuff. love myself, king and queen Kara halloween. costumes Dream 😂 seriously though her complete identity wouldn’t cover the amount of edited photos she gets done! her in real life is like shrek smacked in the face with a shovel and watch the beans...
  4. The spiritual coquette girl

    i didn’t like that way she tried to publicly humiliate her ex wife. i know both of them and the wife had to put up with Kara a lot. and i don’t care how old she was when she said those vile things to her but i do know it knocked her confidence mental health and was bullied. the hole thing...
  5. The spiritual coquette girl

    her hair was straight so it’s def a perm. she looks a right t sleeping in those silky night caps. so many filters, her nose is massive, her teeth are uneven, her skin is cratered and pitted. she’s slept with one of my friend’s fiancée before and she just doesn’t care. when she was sore...
  6. The spiritual coquette girl

    she’s a liar about everything. she’s vindictive and even has a video that says rest reset revenge! now some who’s spiritual and lives a soft life wouldn’t do that. she’s vile to people in comments that call her out. the crying videos are just pathetic why would you set up the camera just to...
  7. The spiritual coquette girl

    that is so manky. some bleach or soapy water and that would come straight off. she’s lived there for 5 years louie is 6. he would of been crawling on those manky floors and no doubt skirting boards and walls. he looks like he just wants to please her. she’s had that many screen time break downs...
  8. The spiritual coquette girl

    i agree! she was bragging and wanted the media attention and she even said “because he wasn’t a arsehole to me” he never hid he did drive, was a sex addict and enjoyed partying!
  9. The spiritual coquette girl

    i sore this and instantly thought the same!!!!!! her story was the “same” but they say didn’t fit the narrative…… so she’s obviously lying in her back tracking video!!!! i hope this haunts the fame w who did it for the pure reason most women do that for……. 15 minutes of fame. but she...
  10. The spiritual coquette girl

    as a mum i hope she doesn’t, but he does seem prompted when on camera. but who knows i guess. i don’t think he knows what mum he’s going to wake up to with her multiple personas.
  11. The spiritual coquette girl

    i agree fine if he has a nightmare and creeps in bed and she doesn’t realise. but she needs to start him off in his own bed atleast and then if he gets in bed with her she needs to take him back to his own bed and repeat until he stays. sounds like she doesn’t have any routine or set bed times...
  12. The spiritual coquette girl

    that’s disgusting! no wonder she chews her tea! i want people to realise what a manipulative person she is! i bet her son sees about 10 personalities a day from her. we get shown atleast 8!
  13. The spiritual coquette girl

    it’s the fact that tiktok has allowed it’s platform to show such crap as a bizarre women dressed like a twatting BAT!
  14. The spiritual coquette girl

    she just a drain on society! if i spent my days doing a month of halloween costumes i’d spend a day walking round my house looking for the marbles i’d lost whilst fraudulently claiming benefits to fund my lavish more than most working households get but use their taxes to rub in their face! hi...
  15. The spiritual coquette girl

    the problem with people such as her is the ones who work hard and struggled for what they have always get fed over because of the ones who know how to play the system. when her dads girlfriend said it was her choice to have the child so therefore her responsibility, i agree with. as a mum...
  16. The spiritual coquette girl

    i agree 💯. the problem is for as long as i’ve known her she’s been a prime stalker fish t. if she loooses her s like that over a pumpkin imagine what some of that poor child has gone through!! £45 on a halloween calendar! if she used to to run her own cake chocolate company why would...
  17. The spiritual coquette girl

    i know the ex wife and Kara was a vile b who lied she lost her virginity to him, lied about being inexperienced in sex, that she was blind sided who bought his new girlfriend to his home town and she was shocked…….. they had been together 6 weeks and was all on facebook that she has seen...
  18. The spiritual coquette girl

    she’s total trash. talks bollocks about shadow working yet won’t take responsibility for the hurt and harm she has caused people whether it be a year ago or 15. i think t is a two nicer word for her. the showing of her drinking her shakes and eating all that food whilst claiming not being...