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  1. Sasha fontain

    So why was she commenting on this thread 🤦 I guess this is the usual IQ of a flying monkey
  2. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    They are all trying to organise some sort of gangbang on Angie's live and of course at first I was 🤮 but then I got thinking... If it happend they would all be in one place. Maybe that place could then go BOOM
  3. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    She was best mates with Sasha Fontaine who stole from a kids charity & is best mates with fiesty the child abuser
  4. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Doing a debate at 4pm on someone who abused there kids while still being pally with a sluggy kid abuser that had foster kids removed ... Make It make sense
  5. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Especially when we all know the slug shared indecent images of jayde Palmer and holly Stanley about . Both convinced Sex Offenders putting it lightly.
  6. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Great excuse obviously working hard...
  7. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Calm down flying monkey
  8. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    You really showed us buy playing palls with someone who abuses kids ...
  9. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    FF has a playlist on his tiktok all about his Ex and evidence against her including her multiple arrests for DV / stalking against him
  10. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Black pope sat in a live when fiesty said she hopes one day people find FF swinging from a tree... What does everyone think of him ?
  11. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Fiesty sharing kids pics
  12. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Have we all forgotten that fiesty shared around pictures of factfreaks kids ? ... People in Angie's rewrite history
  13. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    *Ring Ring * " Hi I'd like to report a crime children are at risk. They are reading documents that I failed to keep safe that don't go into detail not really about the children but actually the investigation into how abusive I was as a foster carer?" " How old are the children now " " Oh...
  14. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Did you know the neighbours that hated her as well ? The ones she was always reporting to the police because they set up CCTV after she was encouraging her kids to do vile things at there front door .. oooh we've all seen the FB statuses about it 🤫
  15. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    No a man's going to see about a dog... Maybe walk your own dog poor thing always barking in the background must be stir crazy . Don't worry if your struggling to get your fat sluggy arse up to walk the dog you could always ❄️
  16. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    What's the disability chronic bullshitter ?
  17. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Good get to action make sure you take some coke so you can walk 👌
  18. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    I'm not Mazz dumb dumb
  19. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Do you actually answer any questions? Tell us the story again about the foster child that attacked you caused your fed back and stopped you being a carer
  20. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Jamie. Jamie is no longer a child Is he. Tell us all about the foster kid that attacked you again that caused your fed back