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  1. The spiritual coquette girl

    Morning beans Just wanted to share this little nugget with you especially in light of her many political rants and how she definitely does know what she’s talking about…she’s recommending the reform party as a similar alternative to Corbyn. I am creased 😂😂😂😂😂 All that time on her high horse has...
  2. The spiritual coquette girl

    For me it was the comment about how exhausting it is filming herself all day especially as no one watches it I was screaming 🤣🤣 she has no idea does she?
  3. The spiritual coquette girl

    It made me retch there is nothing worse. She had the woman’s contact details just arrange to meet up to pass it over? The comments sicken me “you’re an angel” ok well a couple of days back she was threatening to burn someone’s wedding dress and calling them a w who looks like a man so…
  4. The spiritual coquette girl

    And just to top it off she’s filmed herself gifting a teapot to a follower once again total narc this isn’t who she is. She even posted the thank you message…this was never about being selfless or genuine. It’s gross.
  5. The spiritual coquette girl

    That’s awful, I’m sure you didn’t have high expectations but it’s still not ok to be let down like that and after how much she promoted it which we now know was just for engagement. I completely agree with you, I’m a single parent, I work full time, I understand the challenges and tried to...
  6. The spiritual coquette girl

    Doing the lords work
  7. The spiritual coquette girl

    Oh my lord wonder what her beans would say if they saw these! Mocking her for having BPD? Calling her a w? Saying good luck in poverty? I can’t think why she’s not invited?? 😂 and this is before we even consider the arguments she caused previously. If someone isn’t inviting you it’s because...
  8. The spiritual coquette girl

    Calling out her mum for emotional and physical abuse despite happily posting her visits with her at Christmas… This really does upset me because the genuine impact of this is devastating and whilst I know people cope differently and she may want to a relationship with her mum…this just screams...
  9. The spiritual coquette girl

    I was thinking it sounds like an MLM! She’s so invested in it she called it by the wrong name 🫣 I’m also assuming she’s going to be declaring any earnings to the DWP since they’re paying her because she “can’t” work…
  10. The spiritual coquette girl

    Guys, we need to talk about her paid promotion…
  11. The spiritual coquette girl

    There’s one clip where she’s kissing him then you see her look at the camera, a beautiful moment we can all agree 😂
  12. The spiritual coquette girl

    Her NYE video is making me so uncomfortable, videoing those “wholesome” totally organic moments with her son it’s just gross. Also from what I gather in her live she settled him down into bed before 10pm and kept telling him off when he came into the living room so it’s not really letting him...
  13. The spiritual coquette girl

    I was thinking the EXACT same thing! He clearly prefers “that plastic crap” to what tat she gets him what a rude ungrateful thing to say…and she got docs?? They’re super expensive, truly what a horrible human being her dad must be… She pleads poverty but I really don’t think she understands...
  14. The spiritual coquette girl

    This is actually a really good point…when you see it written down like that it does make you realise. I have noticed she doesn’t have any friends and she’s stopped going round to her grandparents although that seems to be since she got her fraudulent pip money
  15. The spiritual coquette girl

    I see that once again her “giveaway” has gone smoothly…
  16. The spiritual coquette girl

    I mean she missed the point so much she’s hugging her pillow. It’s that entitlement, regardless of how much it is she’s behaving as though we owe her it genuinely boggles my mind how someone can lack self awareness to this extent…the condescending “thank you for your contribution” ok but if two...
  17. The spiritual coquette girl

    Omg I’m so glad I’ve found you this is going to be like therapy! It has taken ALL of my willpower not to comment on her videos (despite unfollowing her she still pops up in my fyp) I’m a single mother, I work FT and I similar cannot! The self care? The thrifting? The outrage at world events...