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  1. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Not feeding your kids and abusing them everyday is not trying one’s best.
  2. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Airing what? That’s she a benefit fraud and an abuser? Unfortunately for Lissa this is not her TikTok page and she cannot silence people for outing her. Where’s the Go Fund Me money she nicked?
  3. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    You forget she sits all day on TikTok so there’s hard evidence. You just don’t like the fact you’ve been exposed for what you both are. Lazy con artists.
  4. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Well unlike Lissa, I’ve never committed benefit fraud, abused children or conned vulnerable people…so yeah I’d say I was a decent person thanks.
  5. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    There’s lots of footage floating around of Lissa bullying her children/followers and viewers, endless evidence of Gracie physically threatening people too. So pot kettle black!
  6. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Con artist.
  7. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Yeah Lissa’s certainly high on weed
  8. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Of course you’re not… but you’re well invested in this thread for some reason!
  9. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Gracie you’re all mouth. You’re like the mouthy school bully, but one flick and they’re down. Take your geezer voice and do one.
  10. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    No, what’s low is Lissa stealing Go Fund me money, committing benefit fraud, emotionally abusing her children, not feeding her children, putting her neighbours and children lives in danger by covering fire alarms just so she can get away with smoking weed in her flat, and spending all day on a...
  11. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Lisa is extremely threatening towards some of her mods, she treats them like unpaid employees and expects them to be on her lives all day with her, when they’re not and I quote “pulling their weight” she threatens to “make changes” I remember her saying “I’m making changes today I’ve yet to make...
  12. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    wow…Lissa and Gracie have got a cheek coming onto this forum threatening the police when they’ve been fleecing people out of so much money!
  13. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    It was a video too thicko
  14. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Hopefully now she’s not sat on her lazy backside in her egg chair all day smoking while on TikTok, she’s been able to give her kids some attention and actually cook for them. She’s never taken her kids on a day trip let alone a holiday but if she stopped paying for and smoking weed with her...
  15. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    do knows! It’s probably her mate Mel, her daughter has already reported Lissa and I wouldn’t be surprised if Mel did too. 🤣😉
  16. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    “trolls” that old chestnut. Lissa is rattled because she’s been exposed for benefit fraud, theft, manipulating vulnerable people and for emotionally abusing her children. Let’s hope the authorities “deal with her accordingly”.
  17. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Why are you relying on strangers on the Internet? That’s strange😂. Another con artist no doubt.
  18. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Yo the only embarrassing one here is you and your mother, and if the police are going to be interested in anyone it will be your mother for fraud and theft.
  19. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Yep she can’t help herself, always looking for more ways to con people. Professional con artist!
  20. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Using the litter picker was another act but two minutes before she was dancing around.