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  1. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    People on here seem to care. Maybe a bit too much. There’s stans of A List celebrities out there who are less creepy than the people on here.
  2. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    You’d know. Martha.
  3. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread Just found a website that might help some of you
  4. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Feel like I’m going to be a witness on the next series of baby reindeer when one of you Martha creeps asks Rita to hang your curtains sent frm mi iphoen
  5. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    It just seems like some people have a personal dislike against Rita. If I had an issue with someone I would take it up with them directly or block them. I wouldn’t vaguely post like a Facebook hun. “DM me hun if u wanna no watz up. 2 meni snakez on da fb, just me nd da Kidz frm nowon”
  6. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    its tattle It’s a gossip/snark website. People are going to gossip and be snarky. Tattle has never been advertised as a positive community about lifting people up and supporting them. If you want that side of tattle, you could make a rave thread?
  7. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

  8. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    You seem awfully interested in the sex lives of strangers. Are you disappointed that they still won’t shag you
  9. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    You people going on about block and move on need to take your own advice and block and move on from this user you don’t like. Either that or have a glass yourself and lighten the do up.
  10. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Maybe people are on a combined Taylor and Travis thread? Some couples have threads I think? I’m not a big Travis fan tbf. I was put off when he made those weird comments about women and shoved his coach
  11. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Nah I don’t mean you. I mean the people mentioning issues with you and Rita. I think If they have personal grievances they should just block and move on.
  12. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Never said I was grown up or wise. I maintain the t thing tho.
  13. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Oh lord not another random person for posters to discuss their personal grievances with 🤣 seems like an obsession with airing issues with random strangers is the real sport for some of you 💀 sent frm my iphoen
  14. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    If you believe someone has done you dirty, that’s something you should take up with them privately or if you don’t feel you can do that, delete and block them and move on. Regardless of if you believe this person to have slighted you in someway, they are a normal person in that they are not a...
  15. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Sharing the information someone doesn’t want on here? You might not have been the one to post it but you’re resharing the screenshots. Come on use your brain cell.
  16. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Apologies, I’ll use your full name Sister Miserablecunt If you were “Sorry” you wouldn’t be doubling down defending your right to post peoples info. You’d have just apologised and moved on.
  17. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Sis, you posted someone’s private information on a public forum and you’re upset by a word 💀. They’ve expressed they were uncomfortable with it and you’re defending it
  18. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    And you are not the moral saviour you so desperately want to be. Why do you care so much. if you don’t like this person, just ignore them. What are you hoping to gain?
  19. T

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    So if you set up a business from your home, registered it at companies house and someone posted your name and address on here, would you think this is doxxing? Companies house is the public domain after all.