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  1. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    WOW how on earth can you smell through your phone? Did it come with a scratch n sniff button 🤔 I smell of Kilian Angels Share this evening. My wonderful husband brought me a bottle home at the weekend after his business trip!
  2. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Not on TT I haven't nor on here. I've popped on when I've had notifications. IF I HAVEN'T BEEN TOO BUSY TO LOOK! Bore off woman abuser! I'm blocking you now.
  3. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    You said I haven't seen a bath sponge in yrs is a racist comment against the colour of my skin!! Rather ironic that you have called others racist. Yet here you are, being a racist yourself!
  4. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Why are you so bothered my dear?
  5. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Oh the paperwork?? Ok I won't comment on that 🤣🤣🤣
  6. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    I'm hardly ever on TT in anyones lives these days so you may only ever see me as mod once in a blue moon!
  7. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    She has NEVER EVER abused any children! You do realise that you will all be made to eat humble pie rather soon eh? There is a court case going on and those who are involved will be getting their comeuppance!!
  8. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    My husband is a civil servant just as my eldest daughter is. Work long hours & away on business quite often. I've retired from it. My husband has no problems with me associating with anyone online. He knows that I can handle bullies like you! He's very proud of me hence 26 wonderful married yrs...
  9. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    You most certainly do! I've seen your comments against TT creators. I hope your wife & kids are very proud of you!
  10. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    I couldn't care less where you are! I answered your question on the Feisty thread & you started acting all tough by fontfucking at me. We both know that on the outside world you would hide from me so don't ACT all Betty big bollocks here. I know what & who you are. I would never associate with...
  11. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Oh bugger off. Another James Hope attacking & abusing females. That tells me ALL I need to know about you! I'm so glad I married a gentleman who actually does have morals. He would NEVER abuse a female in any way, shape, or form. Because he was raised by a wonderful lady. Half of you online were...
  12. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Omfg The Factfreak has shaved his hideous see through beard off at last. That thing was full of rabbits fleas 🤢🤢🤢
  13. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    I didn't run her out of anywhere. I have never liked her or bothered with her. I've seen through her from day one! It was Tam and her lot that ran her out of TT. I don't associate with the bullies unless I'm standing up to them! I came here in peace to apologise for muting Tooty! You ALL jumped...
  14. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    I've purchased you some adult diapers & a pacifier! I have a meeting in your town next month. I'll drop them off for you babes 😘
  15. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    How copyright protects your work When you are free for a moment, here is a link about copyright that may be of interest to you! In my old line of work I had dealt with this issue many a time! Thankfully I'm retired now. I still dabble in logo & web designing just for fun!! I think your work is...
  16. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Happily Married 26yrs this year. Been together nearly 28 yrs!! Can't help being mixed race. Are you being racist 🤔
  17. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    What did she do to you?
  18. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Want to bet on that? I've got nearly a yrs worth on both my WhatsApps that can prove otherwise 😁
  19. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Hmmm 🤔 NOPE!
  20. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Ooo marvellous 👍 I love a good scrub!!