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  1. Lou @Lifewithloux

    She’s so off her tits she’s forgotten which ankle is the bad one 😂😂😂
  2. Life_of_Lou_Skaghead_too

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    She’s so off her tits she’s forgotten which ankle is the bad one 😂😂😂
  3. Lou @Lifewithloux

    And a random loo roll on the floor 😂
  4. Life_of_Lou_Skaghead_too

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    And a random loo roll on the floor 😂
  5. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Hang on wasn’t it her right ankle that was swollen and sore yesterday but I’m her last story she was saying it was her left ankle that was bad. Which one is it?
  6. Life_of_Lou_Skaghead_too

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Hang on wasn’t it her right ankle that was swollen and sore yesterday but I’m her last story she was saying it was her left ankle that was bad. Which one is it?
  7. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Her ankles are probably sore from carrying her huge bloated body around.
  8. Life_of_Lou_Skaghead_too

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Her ankles are probably sore from carrying her huge bloated body around.
  9. Lou @Lifewithloux

    She can barely keep her eyes open, has god knows what around her mouth, manky fingers and is struggling to string a sentence together. Tell us again how well recovery is going for you Lou.
  10. Life_of_Lou_Skaghead_too

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    She can barely keep her eyes open, has god knows what around her mouth, manky fingers and is struggling to string a sentence together. Tell us again how well recovery is going for you Lou.
  11. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Haha she doesn’t know any street houses. 😂🤥🤥🤥🤥
  12. Life_of_Lou_Skaghead_too

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Haha she doesn’t know any street houses. 😂🤥🤥🤥🤥
  13. Lou @Lifewithloux

    She doesn’t want anyone to talk about her recovery but will use her “recovery” as a manipulative tool. If she was serious about real recovery she’d deactivate her instagram account and focus on herself. Instead she’s going to be live later on no doubt bleating about nasty bullies and then...
  14. Life_of_Lou_Skaghead_too

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    She doesn’t want anyone to talk about her recovery but will use her “recovery” as a manipulative tool. If she was serious about real recovery she’d deactivate her instagram account and focus on herself. Instead she’s going to be live later on no doubt bleating about nasty bullies and then...
  15. Lou @Lifewithloux

    She’s on instagram, I’m not sure about here
  16. Life_of_Lou_Skaghead_too

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    She’s on instagram, I’m not sure about here
  17. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Being given her choice of corner to beg on? I’m surprised he hasn’t pimped her out yet for a bit of extra cash.
  18. Life_of_Lou_Skaghead_too

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Being given her choice of corner to beg on? I’m surprised he hasn’t pimped her out yet for a bit of extra cash.
  19. Lou @Lifewithloux

  20. Life_of_Lou_Skaghead_too

    Lou @Lifewithloux
