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  1. J

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    The fake laughing just pisses me off. I don’t think she’s ever laughed genuinely in years.
  2. J

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Imagine bitching about a tradesman when u have a yellow face,bright red neck, monotone voice, you’re a very boring person, are like an extra from the Village people & you’re daughter washes her hair once a month & has a house that smells of cat piss .. I wonder if when he turned up Bendy started...
  3. J

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    I’m currently 16 threads behind so I’m sorry if someone has said this but she’s acting pissed out her head on the kfc vid. U can totally tell when she’s drunk.
  4. J

    Becki Jones @beckijones4

    She’s really loving herself this weekend & goin on about doing things out of her comfort zone. Nobody cares what u wear Becki & stop going on & on about your nails. She’s absolutely insufferable on the vids she posts. I’d hate to know her in real life. I bet Ian & Cath are having a lovely...
  5. J

    Becki Jones @beckijones4

    I actually gasped when I saw them. They look like massive holes in her legs. I’ve never seen anything like it. She’s got so much body fat her knees don’t protrude at all.
  6. J

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    And they couldn’t get cheesey garlic bread cos she was having some because a pile of pasta n some chips aren’t enough… and don’t tell me there wasn’t some kinda sweet treat for pudding. She’s gonna blow up like Becki Jones i she carries on.
  7. J

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Jigsaw is acting holier than thou & kissing Aimee’s hole for ATTENTION!! All of what is said is kept on this page so by making it public they are the ones causing harm. Imagine basically having a fan page sticking up for Aimless & she doesn’t give a s about u, jigsaw u are probably pissing...
  8. J

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    I honestly hope she does. I can’t bare it/bear it? It’s like they are constantly rubbing her face in it. Look at us. Look how much time we spend together. Look how close we are. I’m the favourite daughter.. look !! 😡😡😡 Hilarious how Aimee gets ready to go out n you think she might be meeting up...
  9. J

    Becki Jones @beckijones4

    What’s wrong with her knees. I’ve never seen anything like it when she was walking towards the camera in tht black outfit. They look like they are inside out.
  10. J

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    I’m literally obsessed with anything to do with ginger so I’m happy it’s staying lol
  11. J

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Yeah but I’ve always thought she looks down on Aimee. She won’t like her being verified too lol
  12. J

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    I bet vavs fumin she’s now verified 🤣
  13. J

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    She’s celebrating tonight & tomorrow night .. getting wasted & eating loadsa crap.. so.. same as literally every night 😂😂😂
  14. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    For someone that was apparently scared she was being stalked she’s very mouthy the way she talks to complete strangers online. It’s dangerous. U don’t know who u are mouthing off at.
  15. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    If I was worried about ppl taking pics of me or my car while I was at the sunbed shop, constantly reporting me, ppl calling dvla, social services etc on me, I wouldn’t do antagonising clap back vids. She absolutely loves the attention.
  16. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    It’s first time I’ve bothered watching that & I’m dying of secondhand embarrassment.. I think she thinks she’s funny but she’s so cringey!!!!!
  17. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    It’s not over yet.
  18. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    That’s why u was crying your eyes out !!
  19. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    So it’s pretty obvious she’s lying a lot & over exaggerating with this anxiety & panic attacks. Embarrassing Aimee.
  20. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    When I first joined here it was absolutely wild. I joined at the worst time. Everyone was kicking off with each other & I think Aimless had one of her huns on here.. yeah that was it & they were sticking up for her & it was just like 50 Comments or 100 I’ve no idea, if fighting lol & I thought...