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  1. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    Another rant up has some cheek as I know for a fact she has shown the number plate of a car of someone who lives up there who moved there away to get away from someone , she’s taking about not feeling safe in her home now she knows how her neighbours feel and if this is bullying why is she not...
  2. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    She should be arrested for wasting their time and they will soon catch on that she’s an attention seeker, the drama of her is unreal lol and her shows all the houses in that park when she is having the birthday parties does she forget that lol
  3. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    She’s actually hilarious anything to get attention no one cares Sabrina she shares videos of where she lives there’s only one park in omagh has a bonfire and shows that and she also shows neighbours cars maybe they need to be reporting her? The way she kept saying I’m not doing no harm the...
  4. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    Why are the police coming sure she posts videos of the front and back of her house and everyone else’s lol has anyone a fake account that could comment what about the police going to you for blaming people in the wrong lol
  5. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    That’s exactly it she’s the same regardless of what happened in her lifetime very child like but also very manipulative and knows what she’s doing I’m still baffled as to how she thought she was in the right and could threaten people with the police with absolutely no evidence at all. Her...
  6. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    If you knew her personally You would see how nasty she is and how manipulative she is, she slandered people on tik tok who hadnt said what she was accusing them of. I’ve seen her in action several times shouting abuse at neighbours and screaming at the dog then five minutes later putting up a...
  7. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    I’ve said similar to you she chooses to stay in that life and get attention I know others who have had awful losses but try their best to have a good life. When she feels she’s loosing attention I feel she makes things up like the trolling and bullying just so people feel sorry for her. She has...
  8. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    I think giving her the excuse of having mental health issues is almost too kind. I’ve always been kind to her as well I haven’t said a anything to her to annoy or upset her she’s all for attention she’s deliberate in her actions against others and sets out to deliberately hurt others like the...
  9. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    Exactly, if you share your entire life on social media and especially the video she shared what does she expect? She’ll soon be back on tik tok with her threats again
  10. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    I don’t understand why they didn’t admit her to hospital of her sh was that bad? I agree people who self harm go to great lengths to hide it as it’s personal to them and not for attention, I don’t know why people can’t see her for who she really is
  11. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    She’s on there now as she can’t share it on tik tok she’s a nasty piece of work not left alone in her own home no one has been near her, even neighbours who used to speak to her have been avoiding her, I think that says it all. I know people who live near her who want to move because of her and...
  12. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    What’s she saying on fb lol she’s a drama queen
  13. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    The police going to her door has definitely shut her up, well for now anyway. Has she finally realised that she’s not above the law and can’t go around harassing people because she claims to have had a hard life, lots of people have been through awful things but they try their best to get on...
  14. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    What annoyed me is how she’s trying to say someone was setting the 3 that she blamed up, only her thought of those people not anyone else, shows she doesn’t accept any responsibility she just wants to blame someone else again and give her a few days she’ll be back at it again 😳 as I said before...
  15. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    She would never even have considered she was in wrong 😂 her shouting and threatening away to ring the police on everyone else
  16. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    I can only say it how I see it the mothers aren’t that bothered as long as someone else is looking after the children which is sad really
  17. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    It’s not the neighbours believe me the rest of the neighbours mind their own business and get on with their lives. I was the one who said my kids were traumatised and she blamed someone else she doesn’t know who I am but she’s a nightmare no one bothers her or bullies her or trolls her she makes...
  18. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    She’s definitely not very stable to be honest I don’t know how she got sent to hospital 2 times and home again and to have no shame to sit and blame others and then go to their place of work and she won’t be so quick to post about that. I didn’t hear that before that she had been recording in...
  19. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    that’s mad she went to your work, she was in hospital last night supposedly suicidal but her first thought today was to go to someone’s place of work. She had a post up this evening naming someone saying they were watching her I’m assuming the police went to her after that’s why she took it...
  20. Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

    She knew someone would ring the police she’s back home anyway and your right if she had said nothing or even apologised and said I shouldn’t have said that but I was angry but she still feels she’s justified in what’s she’s saying, she can’t cope that people can see her true colours. That video...