Kelly is not a serious person. “I’ve decided I’m full gay now”
@ELM I just tried to share it to you and I can’t so I think she’s put her account private
Kelly’s ramping up to full volume so it might not be best for a relaxing night tbh. Alex has his quiet nighttime voice on too. Also why does she always wear the cowboy hat it makes it so silly
But what are the chances of the address being a chosen ghosted word… seems like a miracle coincidence. Unless the filters recognise character strings that could denote an address with postcode etc? I’m leaning towards there is no screenshot now.
I’m just watching alrx in kellys now
What' she gonna say why have you been so harsh to me? Erm because I see through the internet munchies.
Everyone tink is upset she didn’t get much stuff said about her.
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