She buys about 3 boxes of toys a week not to mention all the other se she buys in b&m when she’s out. Yet she makes up about 5 bags every few weeks. She’s just addicted to buying toys. Bad enough buying them for a child who isn’t here, but buying them for 2 plastic dolls is just taking the...
Especially when you’ve no bloody kids! They must think she’s a right header buying that much regularly when she doesn’t have kids. She’s a shopping addict, totally addicted to buying the biggest load of se.
She’s probably trying to lay low but she won’t be able to help herself.i predict another rant by the end of the week. Anyone on here on her fb? I know someone shared a few screenshots of the se she’s posting on there, I wonder if she’s being so quiet there too.
That woman clearly doesn’t know what cleaning is. Her kitchen worktop is filled with all the se of the day, boxes all over the place, it’s just a mess.
She’d be better spending money on getting out of that house. Like has she ever been on holiday I wonder? Her life just revolves around sitting in the house and buying stuff for her stillborn son.
I wonder if she paid the 2 people back who lent her money to get a taxi home from the hospital. Begging over social media is bad enough, but having the brass neck to beg while you show yourself buying boxes of toys on the daily is just plain embarrassing. No shame at all
Yeah he took 2 but apparently that wee ginger one wouldn’t eat or settle so Sabrina started a tik tok campaign to get him home 🥴 begging for someone that could drive it from Belfast up to her.
she made such a big deal about how that wee cat didn’t settle with him and I have to say the wee thing did look very happy being with Sabrina when she got him back (lord knows why ), and then the cruel f got rid of him! She’s a joke, didn’t even mention she got rid of it. She feeds every...
Seriously how can she be arsed! Just shows she’s got do all else going on in her life. All the time and money to sit on her hole on tik tok and buying toys
do me, how many boxes of toys does one nut need! I have 3 kids and I dont even buy toys that regularly ffs! She’s just filling her house with se upon se, that will sit in her bedroom with all the other boxes gathering dust. She’s one mad mad bastard 🥴
I would be livid at anyone putting my kids on a public social media forum, especially the likes of Sabrina who attracts so much attention for being a crack pot.It baffles me how all these wee girls parents don’t have a problem with this! Seems they’re just happy to have someone to dump the kids on.
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