What I find weird is she hated her dads gf but yet in a video they all cozied up together 😂she used be close her mum and if they don’t talk it’s bloody obvious the bold holly grew close her dads gf as she always does what suits her best 😂😂😂
Exactly I’ve seen first hand how she treats Craig I’ve seen videos screenshots but he’s just stupid walking away from his two beautiful other children and a mother who nearly took nervous breakdown with it all because her only son changed before her very eyes 😩time and time again he would turn...
I do not believe this for a second as she always has his card I know this as my close friend was the one who paid for his hotel rooms when she chucked him out lol 😂 she talks some amount se so unless you have actual facts don’t state it your only going with what SHE said
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