You want to talk about lying?
Logan’s existence
Rocky abusing and starving you
Ryan’s relationship
Lying to a charity to get food parcels.
Stealing from boots
Michael dying
You not reading in here
The list goes on.
No one said there was a court order to get you off tiktok. How would there...
Some one needs to tell Lorraine she is planning on putting loads of tat on Gareth’s grave and making it look ridiculous like the others. Can’t she follow simple instructions? And she can’t expect the housing executive to come running the minute she calls. Avril isn’t there and it’s not a...
Oh looks like poor sabby wasn’t getting enough attention now it’s oh I’ve had an oops moment. Who gives a flying do what you have done. Do you not realise when you get no comments on these videos that no one cares. What did your sister tell you to do off coz she was visiting her mother. You...
Has to get the violins going poor me yet again. Yet brags about how much she’s doing for her poor mummy herself. Get off your fat ass and do what the rest of us have to do. Pay for it ourselves. It’s YOUR mother and her own fault she fell and broke a hip why should anyone else have to help. She...
I reckon all this acknowledgment for Logan is because family members don’t mention her imaginary loss. They will tolerate the Jamie talk because she never fs up about it. What does she think if she get a plaque with a random name on it and says brother that family members will buy him gifts...
Oh Sabrina you all buzzzing because you don’t have to pay out for a taxi or bus to Derry. You complete sad act. You think this is your year. Yes your year for being caught out. You going to wheel your wee dolly up to see mummy and tell her all the great things your have been doing. Like letting...
If the hospital saw the state of Sabrina and after the state I’m sure Avril rocked up there in they wouldn’t let her go home. Sabrina will happily sit in denial about mummy coming home when in reality the social will be out examining the house and preparing it for Avril getting out. I can only...
Ha! Fat chance. She bounces up the mother’s house once a day to feed the cat I assume. But she needs to put electric in in that house. The fridge must be stinking by now. She doesn’t go up at night because there are no lights. She has the dog down today as Courtney is away to see the mum again...
Let’s on it’s for craic and banter I’m sorry but it’s just idiotic and ridiculous now. She must see people on tiktok playing with their children doing this and she’s jealous. You would think she would let on Jamie was there playing with her but no she doesn’t have that realm of imagination
Oh sabbys take away is open 🤣🤣 someone is playing into the delusions. This is beyond sad. Said it yourself Sabrina your mother is in hospital. Go fing see her you sad delusional bat!
Oh we all know the mother is terrified of being in the hospital you would think Sabrina would go up and reassure her in person that her house is ok and the animals are being cared for. Instead she talks to the mother for a few mins with bad reception while playing with a child’s toy diner. It’s...
How about instead of taking selfies with your dolly you get of your ass and go visit your mother! The money you spent on crap and outfits for it you could have gone and seen her. Stop sitting there lapping up the attention of having a loved one in hospital and go see her.
Oh Sabrina. What’s that I hear oh yes it’s fing Karma!!
I feel sorry for poor Avril a broken hip and her age is not good. She in for months of rehab and care. But there we have Sabrina making it all about her poor me I’ve been through hell I have to look after the dog I didn’t get Christmas...
More than likely she took it with her. All the stuff stays in boxes so she can resell. She has no bother selling all of “logie bears” toys so Jamie’s won’t be far behind
I’m sorry but this all goes beyond the realms of sanity. Going up to the grave of a child you say didn’t die but is still here and goes to school and is 12 years old. Then buying a ride along toy and putting it in the grave then wondering what else could I do I know I’ll drape myself over the...
I am one of those who used to be very close to her. I will admit I fell for her bullshit. Until I wised up and realised she was using me and she wanted me to spy on people online. Like wtf. She’s a massive liar she lies about everything and anything. And yes the miscarriage is a bare faced lie...
What did I just hear about an hour ago. Swear she was torturing a cat. The shrieking out of it. Followed by no no no and cookster. God only knows what she was doing to them. Poor animals. Haven’t seen her letting the dog out so I’m assuming the poor thing has passed away. Ugh can’t abide animal...
Oh god forbid she show his actual image. You would think a mother would be proud of what she gave birth to but no. Sabrina has to be like everyone else and have her kid look like a normal new born baby.
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