Again not my story to tell but Sabrina has been ordered to stay away from children and schools. The way she talks to them is wrong and people were worried it coud be one step away from serious harm. She needs removed from park and put in a flat somewhere. She has got a lot worse than when I was...
She has said plenty about lorriana and Courtney to me and anyone who would listen. She she is jealous of the ones with kids and who did what they wanted during their pregnancy. I remember her begging for lift to brothers funeral because she thought lorrina was taking her but her car was full of...
She really isn’t fit to be near kids. Can’t say to much but when she was an unregistered childminder things happened with a little girl. Nothing that anyone could prove or have her arrested for but she was warned to stay away from children in the area and no schools.
She doesn’t know when to...
She really has no shame she will exploit that boy all her life because she has no life. People get fed up listening to the same story over and over. I’ve been bullied I lost my son. It’s played out now. She moved on to using fake self harm and suicide to control people. She does it to people...
do hell Sabrina you can talk for ireland out there. Were you telling all about the big bad bullies online. Trying to suck up to the neighbours too little too late even the ones related to you don’t give a s about you. Must be great to stand and chat for that long with no care of pain in...
Afternoon folks that’s the kids at school and housework done for the morning. Been nice and relaxing here. Long may it continue. No trees down this way but there was one out near the school. Mad that storm was. 😎
In Sabrina true fashion she thinks she knows everything but knows do all. She is bored and has been warned not to post on there so she thinks this will get her views up. It’s very pathetic
Was just catching up on those videos there’s. The one with the bible on it. She says she isn’t looking on here anymore and she only did because of a sex assault was mentioned. She has never been assaulted like that. She forgets we have had long talks about things and she told me she likes to...
Good morning. Fabulous night last night with the family best part was we were able to enjoy ourselves with out ambulance and police appearing in the park. I be speaking to one of Sabrina’s mothers friends and it seems avril was not best pleased with her daughters behaviour. It looks like all...
Afternoon Comment cafe people. Well here’s hoping the quiet continues. Good to see she’s taken some heed and that black cat hasn’t been causing mayhem as usual. My guests will be here soon hoping we can have an enjoyable weekend with out any drama from her lazyship. Mad that I can’t even let the...
Oh I know. I’ve known her for years since before my kids were born. There was never any talk of a miscarriage in 2017. Even her sister confirmed she never saw a test or heard anything about it. It’s all made up for attention. You can feel the jealousy off her when she’s around people with...
Was just thinking there. Sabrina gave Jamie’s dad such a hard time for not sticking up for his son from the bullies. So now that people are calling the imaginary Logan a missed period where is the rant at Logan’s dad. She says she still talks to him and he knows about his “son” aka lump of...
Ah no way. Why what’s going on now? These people aren’t ones to sit and watch they will be over and say something. I can’t be bothered to explain all the madness.
But I will contact Joe again and see what’s going on. I have more pictures of the police cars and ambulance from Monday.
I wonder if we will see any emergency services in the park this weekend. I have family over and can’t be doing trying to explain all that attention seeking drama. She is such an embarrassment to the area. Wish Joe would get back to me and let me know how my complaint is going. He did say there...
Well well Sabrina you would have been better not mentioning the wave of light thing at all. But to come on and immediately say oh I didn’t forget means you did forget. And then you couldn’t be bothered to light a candle for all the wee lost souls in heaven. Why? Oh that’s right the bullies...
Sabrina you say you live each day for your “boys” so why you constantly threatening to off yourself? And these battles you have faced. Hardly call it a battle it’s you getting called out for your lies and being a nuisance and you having a tantrum about it with a Stanley knife. Just because you...
Hahaha I was coming here to say that. She hasn’t been able to pronounce words like that for years. But sat-chet really annoys me. She really was dragged up if she can’t speak properly. If you are going to take in animals that don’t belong to u. You may want to check they aren’t covered in fleas...
Awk Sabrina are you so happy with your new product. You will have to start buying more now. But before you do you might want to have a chat with Lorraine. She learnt the hard way of messing with pills and pill dealers. There may be more than one way to get you removed from riverview.
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