I hope the parents comes for her. In one breath she said don’t come for me they are fully grown adults and next yeah they are kids but don’t mess with mine. I wonder how her uni course will feel about her threatening kids, I mean not long ago it was kidnap threats ffs
That whole video made me cringe, I went in there with smoke 🥴 does she realise what an absolute dick she sounds ffs. Also all this I’ll fight your brother your uncle don’t mess with my family is pure embarrassingI wish the girl had put her on her ass ! I’m only 5ft yeah 5ft fing wide you...
Red going on about money and how people shouldn’t have to spend loads on their kids, money is tight etc yet the t sits there with her gifts on making hundreds a week
Good evening I hope everyone is doing ok ☺️
Been a crazy week in real life with dad coming home from hospital, it was delayed due to waiting for a care package but thankfully it’s sorted and we now have carers and a nurse coming in.
I’ve actually managed to keep up, corie is a t and Sam...
She just said she could’ve hurt someone as she has a weapon but she’s got a good head on her shoulders 😂
She would s herself fing sober if she did actually have anyone in her house
It might be cos I’m shattered and stoned but I’ve pissed myself reading the last few pages, cc is definitely better entertainment than the live itself 🤣
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