Has she honestly been getting away with not paying tax !! 😡
The whole family are just seedy dodgy criminals if that’s the case
I would really like to know where she gets her money from
Sure there is a cap of gifting money as well before it gets taxed , as I am sure her dad just gives her cash...
The absolute best ! I was a child in the 80’s and a teen in the 90’s
I would love to go back!!!
All I can say it’s a good job mobiles and SM wasn’t around then !!! 🤣🤣🤣
Christ the stuff I used to get up too
I have a 20, 22, and 23 year old and they are all so sensible!!! Don’t drink hardly not...
I remember hearing about this , but I hadn’t seen the live . What a despicable woman she is!
How dare she say all that about a child ! Once again safeguarding failure on someone else’s kid !! And why isn’t she her stepmother?? Yes she is . I have two stepchildren
I wonder if Holly ever knew...
Andy should be keeping tabs on what his child’s appalling so called mother is doing himself!
He clearly doesn’t, as any loving father wouldn’t be allowing this s show to continue
He clearly doesn’t give one that the incapable alcoholic is taking his daughter abroad with people he has never...
Not up for debate that she is a good mum!!!
Yeh that’s why you had to get the police involved over safeguarding issues with your kid that was all your fault!!! 😡
Someone please take this b down !!
The rage is raging today
I need to stop watching her for a while I think 🤣
Jesus Christ just caught up
I feel physically sick and I am raging 😡
Aimee after your signpost to IG I hope you realise that now images of your child will have been saved and manipulated into the most vile images for sick predators to use at their disposal, probably already on the dark web
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