Don't shower 😂... no seriously mine generally stick too me,iv had a few peel off ,so I replace them, I go swimming , although my mate did find one in her swim spar filter
Her toothbrush must have so many germs on it from the last time she used it, I wouldn't be surprised if shelia used it by accident ,hence the infection she's caught
AGGYTHEGIFT is having some kind of meltdown, spiting, rapid breathing, hitting his head, muttering about cancer,itsnot nice to watch, however he does have his phone perfectly positioned and has the occasional vape and is now saying he needs cali
Ha bots spaming Cock in code in delulus ( if you press and hold and copy and paste you can join in)then it got cut off
I tried it in zacs and he got bullying warning
Gotta luv the bots
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