Oh s must of missed the whole frosty comment 👀 wtaf he's actually fed in the head don't understand why people actually give him a platform.
And this actually makes sense 🤔 why share them videos If youf not involved with them
do yeah, I'm organising her last meal
Also I actually don't mind zia.
I feel bad on how she lost a child and angie mocked an abortion at the anniversary of her sons death.
I actually have a heart and wouldn't wish that stuff on anyone.
So yeah I messaged her stating I feel bad that angie...
I'm staying mod! Not having Cc being blocked!
Never drink but I've drank two days on trot for my birthday day.
Wasn't my fault the wind blew me into the pub
Listen, I honestly dont really give a s to even have it out with an absolute fame hunger t right now.
No one gives a do about your x factor sob story regarding fat freak.
Bye 👋
So woke yo this morning after a few beers last night remembering i got made mod. 😅🤣
I rolled back over in shame. I'm not getting out of bed because of it.
Angies looking very drunk 🥴 😅
Honestly she makes me not want drink with the way she goes.. I look at fridge and think do that.
If only she was fat 😪 I'd be a skinny Minnie 😅😅
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