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  1. The spiritual coquette girl

    Again, I don’t get it. You can hearing L whining in the video because he’s bored (totally fair) It’s a bank holiday, yesterday I took my kid to the odeon kids club, today I took her swimming (bloody hate swimming) all in it cost £16 which is less than she’d spend at the flea. I’m not saying this...
  2. The spiritual coquette girl

    Remember when she had mad anxiety about getting on a bus in Bristol and projected this onto her kid but can get to London no problems? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  3. The spiritual coquette girl

    Very tellingly her new video about celibacy a follower commented “I’m still pure at 26 it’s my biggest flex” and someone responded like “not a flex to measure a woman’s worth by how much dick they have/haven’t had” which I very much agree with. Our pal has deleted that and responded with “love...
  4. The spiritual coquette girl

    Two points I’ve taken away this evening: 1. SUPER rude to the people she wants to follow her “use your brains” excuse me?? Imagine complaining about losing followers, reaching out to ensure she doesn’t lose any more and speaking to them like that? Like it’s their fault, unbelievably rude and...
  5. The spiritual coquette girl

    She was so stressed and had such a meltdown that she managed to set up her phone and record herself getting in through the window. Such a hero.
  6. The spiritual coquette girl

    Just to say to all of you who have shared your stories…you’re absolute powerhouses and I’m so sorry that people like her try to diminish the struggles that you have to face on a daily basis. We hear you ❤️
  7. The spiritual coquette girl

    On her story, but I wonder if she’s deleted it. She said that it was stupid of her to think she had the time to do anything for herself came back hungry and empty handed and she should have stayed in today then wrote bored in caps, I should have screenshot because she has clearly done a dirty...
  8. The spiritual coquette girl

    Are we ready to discuss how she complained how she never has any time to go anywhere and is bored? I’m so ready…
  9. The spiritual coquette girl

    The egg in a jug 😂😂😂😂😂 “you don’t know who you’re messing with…” 😂😂😂 On a side note however I do feel bad for that follower, she travelled down from wales to go to the “event” maybe she doesn’t have many friends or something? Our soft life girly definitely doesn’t have to worry about money...
  10. The spiritual coquette girl

    She said just under £300, not sure if it’s been handed over yet easy enough to find out though by contacting the charity, I can’t imagine she would have let that go by without documenting it…
  11. The spiritual coquette girl

    Also just to echo what others have said about her constantly verbalising how unpleasant she’s finding it all (but can somehow manage to record it all fine) and sure I take a ton of photos of my kid but this is totally different…his first rollercoaster and had a camera shoved in his face the...
  12. The spiritual coquette girl

    Inspiring mums to get out there…HUN THAT IS WHAT WE DO! If you feel you need a pat on the back for taking your child out for a day in half term when you’ve spent the rest of the time either ignoring him or dragging him around charity shops then I honestly don’t know what to say because that is...
  13. The spiritual coquette girl

    The fact that she took her kid out of a school he was settled in because she’d kicked off about absolutely nothing on the internet and upset the other mums in the process - boggles my mind. Uprooting your child because of a pointless situation that you’ve created by being a bellend is not cool
  14. The spiritual coquette girl

    Her fast fashion rant…but then she said in one of her videos about who sewed on all the buttons on her bag she brought from the charity shop that’s originally from primark then says “that’s something to think about” then immediately goes on to prance about saying how cute it is with her...
  15. The spiritual coquette girl

    She hasn’t done anything with that kid apart from drag him round shops doing what she wants to do - it’s two weeks. She has all day every day free can she not do something for him just for two weeks?
  16. The spiritual coquette girl

    I was thinking about those the other day! The old spiritual coquette closet…how’s that going?
  17. The spiritual coquette girl

    Also setting up the camera to film herself getting presents from L is just sad and gross. That’s a special moment, I’ll never understand it.
  18. The spiritual coquette girl

    Anyone want ti hazard a guess as ti how many times she said it was her birthday in the latest vlog? Because it’s a lot. Also it was her birthday a full week ago, please…let it go
  19. The spiritual coquette girl

    Her video saying she doesn’t owe her followers anything…after spending the last month begging them to buy tickets for her event and posting a PayPal link to buy her a birthday drink…wild. Would seem she’s upset she doesn’t have the following and popularity she thought she did.
  20. The spiritual coquette girl

    For context she’s posted 9 videos about her birthday (I’ve been generous tbf only counted ones that have birthday in the title) and currently one story about it…for some reason last years present opening, don’t really get it but sure. Nine 🙃