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  1. Falasious

    She’s a big girl huh
  2. Falasious

    Why are Big T’s hand so big? She’s twice the size of Mark, poor bloke.
  3. Falasious

    This woman has serious food issues. She doesn’t stop eating and her portions are massive. She comes across as incredibly greedy. She can’t leave the house without ensuring she has food with her or a food establishment close by so she can access food. Today she’s going out so the first thing...
  4. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Wow, how much was in the fund? What complete con artists!
  5. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Thankful her children are now getting the attention they deserve. I suspect she’s deactivated her account because she knows benefits will be investigating.
  6. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    She lost a loads of her paid subscribers so she’s now giving a 10% discount! Hope she declares these payments!
  7. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    The evidence is stacked against her anyway therefore it saves more people being manipulated by her. Let’s hope the time away from TikTok has been beneficial for her children now that she’s not so preoccupied with going live and putting TikTok before her children , who knows she may have even fed...
  8. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Hiding in discord trying to con the people out of their money. Let’s hope this is also investigated!
  9. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Her monthly paid subscribers have decreased, I wonder if she ever declared this payment every month!
  10. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    I’m not taken in by all the diagnosis, Lissa seems to be claiming various benefits for each of those children, I hope I’m wrong but it feels like a case of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.
  11. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Gosh that’s shocking. And to use food as a form of reward or punishment is so wrong!
  12. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    It’s been defined here several times. Open your eyes. Those children walk on eggshells, Lissa calls them her carers but doesn’t seem to grasp the fact they might be feeling stressed and emotionally exhausted by her behaviour and demands. The other week Elsie had to BEG her to let her go to her...
  13. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Still here? Triggered much. 😂
  14. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    I know quite a bit and that’s what worries you. Now I thought were leaving? 👋
  15. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Thought you were going?
  16. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Well your mother fits the credentials for Jeremy Kyle…tootless, jobless fraudster.
  17. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    You clearly think it is okay to emotionally abuse children, to scream at them aggressively, to humiliate them in public and during numerous live TikTok, to refuse them food, to refuse them needing to sleep at 11pm on a school night when they are exhausted, to threaten them, to refer to them as...
  18. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Lissa exposed her address countless times, take it up with her.
  19. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    You are enabling her abuse.
  20. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Firstly Lissa exposed her own address countless times on tiktok, so you have the wrong person here as I haven’t posted anyone’s address thanks.