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  1. MissPiggy

    Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    If that is aimed at me, I’ve had a CC account since March and I posted my thoughts on Demi on her thread, but I was unable to comment on there. Also who are a bunch of strangers on the internet to dictate who is trustworthy on a gossip site? 🤣 Who actually gives a do, you sound pathetic
  2. MissPiggy

    Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    In all of my years of living, I haven’t seen two mentally redundant people like Demi and Tracey. I’m convinced they have escaped from Area 51 at this point and are some weird social experiment.
  3. Demi @piscesprincess

    What the f?! Is that an infected burn?
  4. Miss red

    Never liked her, thought she was fake, picks and chooses who she calls out always excluding her friends. Hated EQ to start with then become friends with her, so any credibility and authenticity she claimed she had was at zero. I’m glad FF called her out on her bullshit as I always thought she...
  5. Demi @piscesprincess

    I always wondered what she takes as she’s off her bonce 24/7 and delusional. Sad life at her age still relying on her parents and grandparents she needs to get off her arse and get a job. Another drain on society believing her paranoid delusions with no life, friends or man
  6. Mad Hatter

    She winds me up, plays dumb but was capable to live alone before she got with AJ. Speaks to him like her lapdog and acts like an idiot when she is out for views. She would rather sit at home on her own with her yes men followers, who make excuses for her behaviour. Can tell they have one brain...
  7. Strawberry Hayes (Charlie Hayes @thestrawberryhayes)

    She’s a dosser and something is off with her can’t stand her. Why doesn’t she try getting a real job like the rest of us and stop begging online for money and attention
  8. It's ruthie not ruth

    She is one boring, nosey, dull, begging dosser of a woman! Sits on line complaining living in a hovel! Invested in everyone’s drama 24/7, but doesn’t have the personality to make an entertaining live commentating like some other creators. She is that boring she would send a glass eye to sleep!
  9. Mad Hatter

    She’s been on the app ages but didn’t have many viewers. Now she’s been getting in with the bigger TikTokers she’s becoming more known. Always pissed up on live rambling on