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  1. The spiritual coquette girl

    Why the do is she pouting like that? Does she seriously believe she is hot? She's a dog. We'll be having the last laugh when the PIP gets stopped because DWP realised she's a con artist.
  2. The spiritual coquette girl

    Kara you scab, where has the money gone from your s festival? Or have you pocketed it for yourself?
  3. The spiritual coquette girl

    Another trashy flea market tag along video. Seriously she is really starting to wind me right up. The fact this scab claims she has severe anxiety and also ADHD is absolutely bollocks. When I was pregnant with my son last year I developed such bad anxiety I could not go anywhere on my own, it...
  4. The spiritual coquette girl

    Happy to see all these DWP reports. Better start saving those pennies Kara, cause you might face paying back a hefty sum 🫢 Get your CV upto date pet...gunna need it.
  5. The spiritual coquette girl

    Wtf is she on about 'crying in the club' oh...her anxiety isn't too much going out clubbing now?
  6. The spiritual coquette girl

    Why is she acting like a celebrity? 'on my way to a film set' She acts like she is above everyone else. She's such a sket. When I reported her to DWP the other day I also included the link to her tik tok. I know these things can take ages to look into but the sooner the better. Unless Kara...
  7. The spiritual coquette girl

    Notice how she keeps mentioning her 'ADHD' all of a sudden. She does NOT have ADHD. My brother has ADHD...this woman (if you can call her that) does not.
  8. The spiritual coquette girl

    Thank you!!! I'll be reporting her money grabbing ass.
  9. The spiritual coquette girl

    Is that her last name?
  10. The spiritual coquette girl

    Can anyone help with any of this information? What's her last name? Anyone know her email etc? The more reports DWP get she will have to be investigated
  11. The spiritual coquette girl

    Yup! Pip is meant to help with daily living, helping towards things you struggle with, not splurging it in the charity shops every day. DWP have been well and truly ripped off with this one. That reminds me, I'm going to go onto the website and report her 🤣
  12. The spiritual coquette girl

    This!!! 👌 Exactly, only wants the drinks as she thinks it will help her keep getting PIP. There is F all wrong with her. I've been in hospital with people severely anorexic who need those drinks, and not through their own choice. She is constantly shuving cakes into her gob, she doesn't need...
  13. The spiritual coquette girl

    'Depresso expresso' shut the do up woman. Knew it wouldn't be long till she started throwing her fake illness into her videos. What was all that about zooming in on a letter to show she is 'malnourished' you aren't thin because of any disorder or disease you bint. Wouldn't be suprised if she...
  14. The spiritual coquette girl

    Have you seen her latest video about apparently having loads of 'fake profiles' of people impersonating her? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 is she for real? She said she has been losing followers. Have you ever thought that the reason you might be losing followers is because they can finally see right through the person...
  15. The spiritual coquette girl

    Because she doesn't have anxiety, she is full of s. People with anxiety don't go charity shopping every fing day. She's delusional. She honestly believes her own lies.
  16. The spiritual coquette girl

    I have BPD too, I've suffered with it for a long time and have a genuine diagnosis. This skank makes my blood boil when she makes out she has it. There's nothing wrong with the silly little girl. She's just a scrounger. I really hope DWP sort her out sooner rather than later, she won't be...
  17. The spiritual coquette girl

    If she can afford to try and improve her ugly ass face by getting lip fillers, she can afford to get her hair done professionally. Those beans are gullible as do. If she stopped spending her un-entilted money so easily, she'd have enough to get her hair done. She's such a scab.
  18. The spiritual coquette girl

    Jesus christ, she's been out at the charity shops AGAIN, buying more se AGAIN.
  19. The spiritual coquette girl

    HA! I think she must read these forums about her because it's funny how her poor son has done F all during the half term apart from follow her around yet she decided to finally take him somewhere at the very end. Oh no though, poor Louis can't just enjoy some quality time with his mum, she has...
  20. The spiritual coquette girl

    I personally thinks she exaggerates about the 'problems' with Louis. Who remembers when she took him to his appointment at the hospital and he had to wear ear defenders as he couldnt cope with loud noises yet a few days later took him to some Halloween party and there was no ear defenders in...