The spiritual coquette girl

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Oct 1, 2023
She used the ticket holding as an excuse. Kara knows it didn’t have many people turn up because it was a s show. And she isn’t that stupid she knew she was lying when she said all that in the comments.

Still no mention of her donating the money!
It was so embarrassing she hasn't mentioned anything about the event since it happened.
Still no confirmation the charity received that money, she definitely would've posted giving that donation.


Apr 2, 2024
Oh I remember that yes! It's so creepy and moreso, sad, to even think about vlogging your shag as they're leaving, attention seeking and something a teenager may do?! You're in your 30s and we've all had sex before, why you feeling the need to 'prove it'. If it was a bloke rating her she would be having a right go and pulling her hair out.

Literally pulled her hair out she said over losing her bag. USE YOUR PIP TO GET PRIVATE THERAPY!


Apr 10, 2024
'Depresso expresso' shut the do up woman. Knew it wouldn't be long till she started throwing her fake illness into her videos. What was all that about zooming in on a letter to show she is 'malnourished' you aren't thin because of any disorder or disease you bint. Wouldn't be suprised if she puts some fingers down her throat to make it look like she is suffering with weight gain when really she's doing it herself for effect and attention. She's an absolute embarrassment.


Nov 7, 2023
We all know what's coming next it will be some kind off rant which will be a total narcissistic word salad. Instead how about a humble video on accountability oh and the charity money because I am sure even the loyal beans are wondering 🤔 if not may be an online report to action fraud will be needed because raising money in the name off charity and keeping it is lower than a snakes belly.

Oh and instead off being bored all day because that is all that's wrong with her get a job, do some volunteering then u get a social life and meet the man you want to pay for everything and the big house.!!! Stop wasting your life 24/7 on tiktok giving yourself endless labels that no one believes anymore that's why the views are so low and you loose followers


Feb 1, 2024
she isn’t skinny enough to receive fortisips anymore so shows that she can actually put weight on and is doing hence maybe why they want to see her as she isn’t in the category anymore and the videos she does show of her eating is 90% normal food not shakes and even she can’t argue over that.

the way she eats doesn’t reflect the size she is how so she is doing something to maintain it and she doesn’t work out unless you class blowing hot air as a workout……. but i guess yoga and climbing in windows and catching buses and trains here and there you could!!

since this new thing has been launched her effort to convince people of her “illness” has been on over drive. she is so so so out of touch with reality it’s unreal. she wants to be the vanity case but instead she like a girl going in to puberty buying butterfly lace for her hair and pink glitter clothes and hideous purples! she is a charity shop gone completely wrong like the stuff that even charity shops won’t sell!
Oct 1, 2023
'Depresso expresso' shut the do up woman. Knew it wouldn't be long till she started throwing her fake illness into her videos. What was all that about zooming in on a letter to show she is 'malnourished' you aren't thin because of any disorder or disease you bint. Wouldn't be suprised if she puts some fingers down her throat to make it look like she is suffering with weight gain when really she's doing it herself for effect and attention. She's an absolute embarrassment.

Nothing like staging the camera to authenticate illness.

That appointment is for a dietitian online webinar to discuss creating a healthy diet she's a vegetarian who mostly eats chocolate and uses fingers to purge anything she does eat. It's not an examination because she's so frail, malnourished and lacking energy and requires shakes to live on. Really does make a big deal outta minor things.
Maybe she'll learn a diet of cheap frozen veg, instant noodles and cheap pizza isn't enough for a growing child.

Like the above person said, she doesn't require the shakes, the gp told her they weren't giving them to her anymore and she had a meltdown claiming its the only thing keeping her alive..and now it's been handed over to the dietitian as she's falsely claiming her health is worse than it is. Real malnutrition will lead to fatigue, not being able to function yet she's full of energy and therefore her body isn't falling apart to the extent she needs professional medical input.


Apr 10, 2024
Nothing like staging the camera to authenticate illness.

That appointment is for a dietitian online webinar to discuss creating a healthy diet she's a vegetarian who mostly eats chocolate and uses fingers to purge anything she does eat. It's not an examination because she's so frail, malnourished and lacking energy and requires shakes to live on. Really does make a big deal outta minor things.
Maybe she'll learn a diet of cheap frozen veg, instant noodles and cheap pizza isn't enough for a growing child.

Like the above person said, she doesn't require the shakes, the gp told her they weren't giving them to her anymore and she had a meltdown claiming its the only thing keeping her alive..and now it's been handed over to the dietitian as she's falsely claiming her health is worse than it is. Real malnutrition will lead to fatigue, not being able to function yet she's full of energy and therefore her body isn't falling apart to the extent she needs professional medical input.
This!!! 👌 Exactly, only wants the drinks as she thinks it will help her keep getting PIP. There is F all wrong with her. I've been in hospital with people severely anorexic who need those drinks, and not through their own choice. She is constantly shuving cakes into her gob, she doesn't need those drinks. As you said, people who are malnourished feel weak and fatigued, something she doesn't have trouble with.

Mind you, can see a video coming up saying how 'worn out' she is.

I must have missed the video saying those drinks are the only thing keeping her alive. Is she for real? 🤣 I literally want to punch her in the face.


Apr 10, 2024
If she wants the shakes so bad she could always buy them herself with her pip money, yknow, utilising it for what it’s actually for?!
Yup! Pip is meant to help with daily living, helping towards things you struggle with, not splurging it in the charity shops every day. DWP have been well and truly ripped off with this one. That reminds me, I'm going to go onto the website and report her 🤣


Apr 10, 2024
Screenshot_20240428_102925_Samsung Internet.jpg

Can anyone help with any of this information? What's her last name? Anyone know her email etc? The more reports DWP get she will have to be investigated


Apr 2, 2024
What I don't get is that she is far more physically active than a lot of people I know. Shes without a car and whizzes around everywhere, endless footage of her stomping or skipping about. Into town and back.

She lugs mirrors, frames and plants and bags of flea stuff on a regular basis.

the 'flare up' is always something that most people her age would experience after doing such activities. Carried a giant plant home for a few miles - ANYONES shoulder would be aching the next day. 🤣🤣

I find this happens so often, she dramatises something so normal. Once you've hit your 30s and 40s if you don't stretch regularly EVERYONE gets stiff and painful aching necks and bodies like wtf.

EVERYONE can be exhausted after a busy period or stress and activity.

People with debilitating fatigue and illnesses, don't live anything like her from what I've seen.

I wouldn't even care or judge her claims if she wasn't being so obviously calculated and amateur dramatic with the flare up videos. So so many people film their flare up or days with chronic illness and NONE are like hers.

Who needs to see two clips in a row of her chewing her fortisip through a straw. That ugly botched lip straw suck they do 🤮🤮


Apr 10, 2024
When she gets dressed it reminds me of raiding my nans wardrobe and jewellery. With fibro I only have to pop to asda once every 4 months and I am wiped out for days on so much pain and fatigue. I couldn't climb thru a window I wouldn't have the strength too. bpd isn't based on money I have money in the bank but it'd doesn't effect my mood swings at all. Where as it makes her so happy and full of energy I have milkshakes for gastroparisis because I can only eat a few mouthfuls of food. I'm a type 1 diabetes, have real social anxiety and agoraphobia. My anxiety makes me tremble and sweat awfully. If she is on high rate for mobility and care then I'm baffled tbh her videos prove she looks after herself well and has no issues running around town and doing shopping every day, the school runs, buses and trains etc she isn't entitled to it imo
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