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  1. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    I’m sorry if you felt I did any of those things. I don’t remember them. I very nearly didn’t make it out of that school myself so I know how rough it was. However, a) don’t think having genetic diseases is “cummupance” and b) you chose to seek out a forum, by googling my account and looking for...
  2. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    No, this forum is 100% about bullying someone and it’s not ok. You are making persistent unkind comments about someone you don’t know, based on the 1% of their day they share online. It’s horrible!
  3. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    If you have a problem with me, please message me directly because you obviously know very little about me or about what school was actually like for me. We’re both full grown adults, who left school nearly 11 years ago. So please, message me so we can sort it instead of commenting anonymously on...
  4. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    The definition of malingering is someone faking or exaggerating illness to get out of work or duty. However, I am a full time university student, who also works as a cover teacher and I have a summer job. By definition I literally cannot be malingering. Oh and the police are cracking down, it’s...
  5. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    Do you realise how rude it is to talk about someone like they aren’t even there? Classic bully behaviour. The more you accuse me of things, the closer you’re getting to this going legal. I suggest you back things up with tangible evidence before you accuse someone of something.
  6. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    Oh and the correct acronym is SNM. They’re sacral nerve modulators by the proper name. SNS is the sympathetic nervous system.
  7. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    This is the exact reason why I don’t talk about a lot of my health stuff. Although, I’ve done I think 2 lots of videos on Botox so if you were really as much of a super fan as you appear to be, you’d know my bladder doesn’t work. And I’d much rather not have to worry about wetting myself at 27...
  8. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    Yeah no. We’re not going to play that game. I have a diagnosis of cPTSD and my clinical psychology agrees it’s that and not a personality disorder. I’d share the letter but I’d rather not share the trauma information in the letter because it details how I have cPTSD.
  9. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    I left out autism because a) I’m not diagnosed with it on the NHS yet and b) I left out all my mental health diagnosed.
  10. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    Liable is where someone puts into writing comments that are untrue and harmful. Slander is when it’s said in conversation. It’s liable
  11. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    I had an assessment where they assessed me for DCD. They didn’t even follow the assessment for autism. But I forget that you were in the room. Oh wait, nope! My assessment.
  12. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    Actually I was sent this thread by someone. I don’t routinely Google myself thanks.
  13. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    It’s giving mean girls mentality. It’s giving “never grew out of high school” mentality. You wouldn’t like people talking about you behind your back so not sure why you do it to others.
  14. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    Well, I’m currently waiting on an autism assessment but that’s by the by. Could it be that some people just weren’t raised right? I complain because nobody should be left without appropriate care. I talk about my experiences because it helps me and it helps others. The difference between what I...
  15. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    Thing is though, my physio was. And since, I’ve had an official diagnosis. I owe nobody any evidence of my health, although there is a video going up with my NHS records on it. People don’t just get diagnosed with conditions and then end up on NHS records. I think people who comment on things...
  16. Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers

    So hi, yes. I have many conditions and honestly, wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy. I don’t owe anyone my medical records but I’m not “self diagnosed” in anything. In fact, all of my conditions are formally diagnosed through bloods, imaging or against diagnostic guidlines (even the EDS). I...