So hi, yes. I have many conditions and honestly, wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy. I don’t owe anyone my medical records but I’m not “self diagnosed” in anything. In fact, all of my conditions are formally diagnosed through bloods, imaging or against diagnostic guidlines (even the EDS). I don’t have to show you proof of my EDS because it is MY diagnosis, done by an orthopaedist. If you weren’t aware, any doctor with an awareness of EDS can diagnose it as of about 2022. As for my other conditions mentioned, my asthma, specifically the type of asthma I have, has been confirmed with X-rays, breathing tests and bloods that confirm eosinophilia and allergic asthma. Oh, my Dysautonomia I’ve been diagnosed since 2018 and again confirmed against national guidelines and with a lot of tests. And adrenal insufficiency you kind of need to not be able to produce cortisol to be diagnosed with that one…
I had a feeding tube because despite my size (which was down to steroids), I was severely malnourished and loosing weight at a dangerous pace. Feeding tubes aren’t placed lightly and once I could sustain myself without it, I chose to remove it. Not my doctors, me. Because I didn’t need it anymore.
I kayak because it is one sport that is accessible. It causes me pain and I’ve had 2 major injuries whilst kayaking but it’s a sport I love. Just because I do not look a certain way doesn’t mean I am not disabled.