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  1. B

    Israeli Palestinian War

    They only know to reply #freePalestine or #ceasefirenow and anyone that says anything different is called a genocide supporter without them relising the irony of their slacktivism only helping the terrorists. I thought the free Britney people were the stupidest people out there, but no
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    Alice Evans (@aliceevansgruff)

    Alice deleted her post saying people were issuing her death threats when she realized she made a big tit of herself and misunderstood the post!
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    Israeli Palestinian War

    I've had to unfollow some as they're insistent on being anti Israel and are doing the jobs of hamas for them. It's a war. It's ugly. Israel can't do nothing and everything they do will have huge knock on effects as the terrorists are using civilians as shields. It's unwinnable and hamas are...
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    Alice Evans (@aliceevansgruff)

    She's as mad as a box of frogs. Someone on tattle said if anyone posted her onlyfans on the threads then they'd come for them. Even though it was a joke threat against a tattler not Alice she still posted it on her grid and thought it was a death threat aimed at her. She has no legal council as...